Prior to sending your letter, how many General Membership meetings did you attend?
Did you vote in the last election?
Your union is what you make of it. You pay dues, go see what you are paying for... Be apart of it... So many bitch about this and that with the union but nobody acts to help make a change...
UPS workers are a large part of the Teamster membership and UNITED as ONE, UPS workers can be heard... Not just your Union stewards but everyone from your center or hub should attend the January General meeting at your locals... BE ACTIVE AND DO SOMETHING TOWARDS A CHANGE...
I'm so glad you asked those questions, because you will probably be surprised at my answer.
I attended almost every meeting that I possibly could. At our center up until recently, we had monthly meetings with the Union Stewards and went over issues concerning our center and grievances filed. I attended pretty much every one of them. Myself along with a couple of others probably had a better attendance than even the Union stewards at the time.
I also attended meetings at our Local Union Hall on occasion. Myself and a couple of others were the only ones from our center to attend the last such meeting.
I have voted in every election possible since day 1 (almost 17 years ago) and I did vote in the last election. No I wasn't a Hoffa supporter. I have made it known many times on this forum that that would be my last official act as a Teamster. I can not support another organization and still pay dues to the Teamsters. That would make me a hypocrite.
It's funny, one of you guys said that I would lose the respect of my co workers???? I received a couple of phone calls 2day from a couple of my fellow co workers who said that they respected my decision and understood totally. By the way, I am not the first, and from what I hear, I won;t be the last at my center to resign from the Teamsters.
I knew I would get bashed, and I also pretty much knew the ones who would be first in line. But I am surprised at the support I have gotten from other Teamsters who want to resign but can't. For those who think they can't, do the research and see for yourself that you can.
Also for those of you who think I am a UNION basher, I am not. I am against the corrupt ways of the Teamsters. I'm sorry that some of you don't see that.