
Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Quit pissing in bottles and dribbling all over the floor. Roaches are attracted to nastiness.
Those roaches just are. They live outside and sometimes make their way inside by crawling or flying. That’s why many of us have a bug guy come around on a schedule to spray.

Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.


Retired 23 years
I spent about an hour in the cockroach museum with my grandson. That was when he was about 5. He's 14 now and still talks about it. Sadly the museum is no longer there. A few years after I had visited it Dallas had a terrible freeze one winter night and the heat went out in this guys place and he lost all his giant hissing roaches. He was getting ready to retire anyway so he shut the place down. I wonder where Liberochie and Marylin Monroach are now?