Share a secret


I go to the school of Tim the Tool Man.

I like my tools to have motors that are powered by the electric company.

When duracell develops a battery that can keep my motor running; I'll make the switch to wireless.:wink2:
Someone get the debifulator ready, I think I'm having a heart attack, lol.


My gf watches that too and America's next top model. I hate them both with a passion but atleast top model has models to look at. I let her have control of the tv most of the year until football season and then Saturdays and Sundays (Monday and Thurs nights too) are mine. Any UFC nights (usually only Wed and Sat) are also mine uncontested too.
And if she doesn't agree do you get her in a full "submission"?

Every morning when my Division manager goes through his rants and raves on the daily conference call - me and the other managers secrety instant message each other with perfect responses that will undoubtedly send him into tantrums of rage -- and then we rate on the rage-o-meter.....Sometimes we will all pitch in a couple bucks for brilliant response like "it is what it is"....I just got $25 bucks for fitting in the phrase "orange whip is demonized" without it being questioned....I fit it cleverly between my report on NDPPH and PAS numbers...It souned good and blended nicely. (I am getting good!!!)
This supe sound quite normal.
Can't we at least get his initials?

It was a mad,passionate,May -December affair. But sadly he decided his career was more important so he took a promotion on the east coast. I can`t remember his full name but I do remember he was fond of smoking,babies,and puppies with wagging tales.


Age quod agis
HAD YOU GET THAT JOB/? and whats the number?:surprised:

Back page of The Onion.

I believe Klein posted my number earlier in the thread.
He is a bit miffed at me; his credit card was rejected.
He said his name was Barney Frank.
The fraud alert in my brain went off because I knew that Barney wouldn't be looking for my type of lovin.


Not really sharing a secret here (well my fiance would probably not want to hear this)

In 2 weeks on road Ive been:

Offered sex once (friend)
Flirted with maybe 10-15 times (friend)
Offered dates with 2 younger gals, possibly 3
Hit on by two gay men

l I know this comes across as naive rookie talk but didnt know where else to put it. :)


Well-Known Member
Not really sharing a secret here (well my fiance would probably not want to hear this)

In 2 weeks on road Ive been:

Offered sex once (friend)
Flirted with maybe 10-15 times (friend)
Offered dates with 2 younger gals, possibly 3
Hit on by two gay men

l I know this comes across as naive rookie talk but didnt know where else to put it. :)

If you like your paycheck you will keep "it" on a short leash.


Not really sharing a secret here (well my fiance would probably not want to hear this)

In 2 weeks on road Ive been:

Offered sex once (friend)
Flirted with maybe 10-15 times (friend)
Offered dates with 2 younger gals, possibly 3
Hit on by two gay men

l I know this comes across as naive rookie talk but didnt know where else to put it. :)
Was one of them pretty big?

Here's a helpful tip for you, Sleeve. In our profession we all get that, men and women alike. Some of us handle these situations well and roll with the punches, but other's can take a friendly gesture too far. This is where, "at a brisk pace", comes in handy. Make the delivery, and leave. Always have that hurried look on your face and before you know it, you won't even be the object of desire anymore. Besides, people always flirt/like/are attracted to, the new guy.

Oh, and this isn't a secret. We all get it the same way. I bet your fiancé has even flirted with a UPS guy before.:surprised::wink2:

If you like your paycheck you will keep "it" on a short leash.
You mean you want him to save money?


No It's not green grocer!
Wait until the first time a woman answers the door nude, or nearly nude. You will be amazed at the lengths women will go to get your attention! NOT THAT THERE IS ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT!!!


Für Meno :)
Back page of The Onion.

I believe Klein posted my number earlier in the thread.
He is a bit miffed at me; his credit card was rejected.
He said his name was Barney Frank.
The fraud alert in my brain went off because I knew that Barney wouldn't be looking for my type of lovin.

Can I please have one more chance at it ?
John Smith might be calling soon ;)


Well-Known Member
I dont know about you all but Im pleasantly waiting for the pictures from brown cruise 2010, especially of the gang in speedos and bikinis in the hot tub....woohoo. (the bikinis for sure, not so much the speedos...but stud in one should be a good laugh none the less. Nobody says that he cant deliver his package while on vacation.)


I'm a video game junky

I would say an alcoholic too but I enjoy being drunk and don't want the help to 'quit'.