Since we have managed to derail the other threads



How about posting the conversations here. Dammor and others have a point, they do not want to be involved in the conversations that they have turned into. So if we confine those to this thread, they shouldnt have a problem, as they would not need to bring this thread up.



You management haters have derailed the threads with your personal attacks. I would suggest you two stay here and play your hate games while the rest of us who do treat each other with respect post on the other threads.


Tie guy

It seems you live to be a victim. Far be it for me to allow you to use me to stay a victim. Grow up, tell the truth.

End of conversation.



You know Tie Guy, For A while I was going to let the kid do his thing. It was the posts on Avon that you lost your credibility with me.

"We have never lost Avon"

"Actually Danny boy I pick them up and proccess them therefore I know exactly what I am talking about."

Two problems with those statements. Avon is and has been gone for at least two years. Period. And only in the last few months have they started giving us the stuff nobody else would deliver.

Now explain to me now you pick them up and procces them when you wear a tie? Last I heard that was hourly work. But you pass your self off as management. So which is it?

As far as being a management hater, oh contrare. I just hate to be lied to, or be called a liar by a liar. And that is regardless of whether it is management, hourly, or union. I made my decision not to go into management in 1976, and have never regretted it. And some of my managers (from delivery sups to district managers) have been fairly close freinds. Like spending W/E's at the lake camping, going on trips with their family and mine. So go bark up another tree, it just isnt so.

So get your story strait, and let me know when you rind the real you



God the arrogance with which you attack my integrity is unbelievable. Avon is picked up on feeders. I have worked hub and feeders forever. The main Avon location is in Newark Delaware. On an average day they build two loads going north and one load going south. The north loads went to the willow grove Pa hub for the last 7 to 8 years until this year when the phlpa hub started processing them. The south loads are processed by the baltimore hub. Do your homework . I'll take your apology when your ready.



Danny bouy and Kid Lathargic are similar to "Saintemo". They will never go away until you stop the replys. Is it amazing our policy book will outlast these individuals!!!!


Yea I know , I'm just unable to understand them. Why they could be so blatantly cruel is beyond me.


just in case you missed this post the first time:

God the arrogance with which you attack my integrity is unbelievable. Avon is picked up on feeders. I have worked hub and feeders forever. The main Avon location is in Newark Delaware. On an average day they build two loads going north and one load going south. The north loads went to the willow grove Pa hub for the last 7 to 8 years until this year when the phlpa hub started processing them. The south loads are processed by the baltimore hub. Do your homework . I'll take your apology when your ready.


curious to see if you have the integrity to apologize for calling me a liar.


We created the WPC thread just for you guys...go use it...

Happy New Year!!!



Peacock, The infection has spread. It cannot be contained in the WPC thread. Put on your gas mask and have a Happy New Year.


<font color="0000ff">It's like I just said in the "Your Peak" thread....Same ole people playing the same ole game". Anyone notice the pattern here? Dannyboy described it the best when he mentioned Tieguy's apparent desire to continue to play victom. It seems so obvious now that others that appeared to me to like arguing and labeling others have picked up on the pattern and have seemed to withdrawl from the behavior. I took myself out of the equation a long time ago. Well, it seems like a long time ago because of all the other disputes that have erupted after I took myself out of the pointless and wastefull arguments. This board is to the point now where it can be viewed as a marked mine field with the select few trouble makers being the mines. The rest of us have no excuse for stepping on those marked mines. It's the newbies that have to fend for themselves. I backed out of it when I had the chance.</font>


I was serious about keeping closed debates that involve personal opinions to a confined space. Like the YAHOO UPS board, the Brown Cafe' could seek to find the lowest common denominator, eliminating its usefulness. It is up to all of us to have a level of civility and decorum in our posts. Honor and respect should be our guiding rule in our posts. Then, we all can profit.



Its so simple even you should be able to understand it local . Danny boy called me a liar when I said we still picked up avon and never lost them. Danny is wrong. danny should therefore apologize for dropping such a serious charge. I will now see if he has the integrity to do so.


I called you at out as a man and you ran and shrank from your resonsibilities as such.


We have never lost Avon per say, but 15 - 20 years ago Avon did give all their easy in town stops to indepentent contractors and left UPS with the trash. For anyone who wasn't around when we had it all wouldn't notice the difference in volumn. So both of you are right. At the center level we still plan for Avon every other week but 15-20 yrs ago we had to but on extra routes on Avon day. Also ind. cont. move the (trash stop) Avon pkgs. across zones to reduce the UPS rate.


"Its so simple even you should be able to understand it local ."

Even I can understand? See that just proves my point. I make a statement that is, in fact, factual and didn't do it in a hostile way or poke fun at you and you come out and insult my intelligence. That is a classic example of the pattern I've picked up on. You make good posts one day then the next as soon as someone says something you don't agree with or remotely hostile you turn it into a war of the words. It's like you have a dark side to you that you can't control. Many people come and take you on and move on for whatever reasons (I being one of them) but you seem to always pick up a new opponent as soon as another leaves. Am I wrong by thinking that you love confrontations or is it that the majority of the board is actually the hostile magnets? I was hoping you'd realize some truth to my claim and stick to providing useful information that you usually do and get rid of that dark side that likes to take control of your responses, but instead you insulted me for it. Well, I guess all I can say now is sorry for trying to help and that I am not pissed off and don't want to be your new opponent. (AGAIN) I'll just go read you other posts that were apparently written when the dark side wasn't present.


I guess it is different here but I've seen Avon come through here allot. Actually our only problem with the big accounts is that some of them are too much for our small center to handle so the factorys, etc., usually have us, Fed Ex, and Fed Ex Ground pick up or drop a feeder at the docks but we get the majority of the bulk from most of them. Fed Ex Ground takes on allot though cause the nearest one is a hub whereas Fed Ex's center/station is even smaller than ours.


"Even I can understand? See that just proves my point. I make a statement that is, in fact, factual and didn't do it in a hostile way or poke fun at you and you come out and insult my intelligence."

Oh Ok , i guess that line of BS works at Fedex but not here pard. Two guys attacked me on this website. I asked them to keep it professional but the continued to try to belittle me. You jump in and side with them to no surprise then have the guts to make it sound like I did you wrong.