Union doesnt recognize UPS #s. If they fire someone it will go no where. I had a 3 day ride and I had that threat. I almost never make the SPORH they want. Maybe 2 times a month over the last 4 months. I have not been fired, suspended or anything. Not even a warning letter.
True that.
However, if they ride you for 3 days and you perform at a certain level of performance, then they have proven that you CAN do it. You are capable of doing it.
Now everyone says, "But every day is different, I could have misloads, bad loads, preload goes down late, etc. etc., therefore I cannot be held to a defined SPORH."
That's true, and that's also why all times are viewed as an average. They take an average SPORH count for your three days. Then they will compare that average to your weekly average at the end of the 3 day ride. If you are slipping, you will be in the office explaining away. If your next weekly average is off too, then they step up the heat with rhetoric such as, "If you don't get your SPORH count up to at least the 3 day ride average, I'm taking you to panel."
This is why if you are getting a 3 day ride, your goal is to make the numbers go the opposite way. Do not let them prove anyhting. If you want your sup to look bad in front of his bosses, then have a slower SPORH count with him on the car. That's hard to explain eh? I'm not talking about milking the clock. I'm talking about doing all your methods and don't use any of the multiple shortcuts you normally use. Park safely. Walk at your pase, not your sups cuz they are told to walk and talk at a very brisk pase. They will keep you in conversation while almost running to get you to point B the quikest. Call in help for an over 70. That's a time killer and you are not breaking any rules by doing so. You can request help from a fellow bargained member. You do not have to ask the customer for help. You have the tools to accomplish this task. The tools are provided by the Union, but they can't turn the screwdriver for you.
Another thing you could do now is ask your center manager for a copy of the methods manual for drivers. You might have a hard time getting it though as it is 72 pages long and if we all did everything that's in there these routes wouldn't get done.
Now some of you said something about these rides are for fixing dispatch. That is true. But it is in the name of getting YOU back to the building as quickly as possible. I've seen sups calling in p/us and getting rid of misloads. This is unfair because you are not being measured against a true day. If this happens to you document it and let your steward know.
Or you could follow SWORDFISH's advise and kick ass with sup on car. I don't know what goes on in other centers. I can only speak of my experiences.
Is there a post regarding telematics, I have a few things to say about that but don't want to be reduntant.


Well-Known Member
IMO, if you cant even come in scratch on a route that you do everyday something is totally wrong. 10% of the time its the driver who is talking to customers too much, the rest of the 90% is just a bogus set of allowance numbers that are not even close to reality. It use to be if you were on a business route you could scratch by just the amount of pieces, now these business routes are where ups is making all the money and they have worked the system where these allowances are poor. The thing about it is the heavier routes are where your going to get hurt picking up 4-500 a day. Its not worth getting your back jacked up so bad that you cant work at ups anymore, let alone never work again because of a major back injury..its just not worth it...period.

Where you working for UPS when they shrank the allowance for time per pkg? Screwed all the heavy pkg route drivers. I do much better on my route when I have only 300pkg delivered in a day rather than when I do 400. We did just have electronic time studys done though, so we will find out in about 6 months the results. If they are worth a crap I should gain about 30min to my route.


Well-Known Member
True that.
However, if they ride you for 3 days and you perform at a certain level of performance, then they have proven that you CAN do it. You are capable of doing it.
Now everyone says, "But every day is different, I could have misloads, bad loads, preload goes down late, etc. etc., therefore I cannot be held to a defined SPORH."
That's true, and that's also why all times are viewed as an average. They take an average SPORH count for your three days. Then they will compare that average to your weekly average at the end of the 3 day ride. If you are slipping, you will be in the office explaining away. If your next weekly average is off too, then they step up the heat with rhetoric such as, "If you don't get your SPORH count up to at least the 3 day ride average, I'm taking you to panel."
This is why if you are getting a 3 day ride, your goal is to make the numbers go the opposite way. Do not let them prove anyhting. If you want your sup to look bad in front of his bosses, then have a slower SPORH count with him on the car. That's hard to explain eh? I'm not talking about milking the clock. I'm talking about doing all your methods and don't use any of the multiple shortcuts you normally use. Park safely. Walk at your pase, not your sups cuz they are told to walk and talk at a very brisk pase. They will keep you in conversation while almost running to get you to point B the quikest. Call in help for an over 70. That's a time killer and you are not breaking any rules by doing so. You can request help from a fellow bargained member. You do not have to ask the customer for help. You have the tools to accomplish this task. The tools are provided by the Union, but they can't turn the screwdriver for you.
Another thing you could do now is ask your center manager for a copy of the methods manual for drivers. You might have a hard time getting it though as it is 72 pages long and if we all did everything that's in there these routes wouldn't get done.
Now some of you said something about these rides are for fixing dispatch. That is true. But it is in the name of getting YOU back to the building as quickly as possible. I've seen sups calling in p/us and getting rid of misloads. This is unfair because you are not being measured against a true day. If this happens to you document it and let your steward know.
Or you could follow SWORDFISH's advise and kick ass with sup on car. I don't know what goes on in other centers. I can only speak of my experiences.
Is there a post regarding telematics. I have a few things to say about that but don't want to be reduntant.

My #s are actually worse w/ them on car bro. I hit their #s once in 3 days. The other 2 days I was over an hour over allowed wich I never am on my own. I always do better by myself. I was actually very disappointed when I met their #s on the 3rd day. Funny thing though on the 3rd day I had very small amount of pkgs., stops, and my miles were about 15% less.


Well-Known Member
Where you working for UPS when they shrank the allowance for time per pkg? Screwed all the heavy pkg route drivers. I do much better on my route when I have only 300pkg delivered in a day rather than when I do 400. We did just have electronic time studys done though, so we will find out in about 6 months the results. If they are worth a crap I should gain about 30min to my route.

I believe most areas will gain some time on the electronic time studies..at least as a whole. Dont expect much but I guess every bit counts, if your worried about it...might keep them off your back about production. If my sup comes out with me and cant find much time being lost to justify an hour or more over I feel like ive given them a fairs day work. Its ridiculous. Theres been stories on here about mgt changing a shop stewards allowance to make a bit of bonus so he would be less likely to be a pain in the rear....so I dont take stock in them. I know that what I do a day it should be at the very minimum scratch, and that what I go by no matter what anyone says.


Well-Known Member
My #s are actually worse w/ them on car bro. I hit their #s once in 3 days. The other 2 days I was over an hour over allowed wich I never am on my own. I always do better by myself. I was actually very disappointed when I met their #s on the 3rd day. Funny thing though on the 3rd day I had very small amount of pkgs., stops, and my miles were about 15% less.

Thats another bs thing, they can load you up every day...bulk out your truck every day but the 3 day ride they have in the past been known to work over the load and take out bulk stops to get the numbers they want. They wont do this any other time and not even care about it if you confronted them on crappy loads any other time but for the ojs ride they make sure they find the time to tidey things up....that is a big integrity issue right there.


Well-Known Member
My #s are actually worse w/ them on car bro. I hit their #s once in 3 days. The other 2 days I was over an hour over allowed wich I never am on my own. I always do better by myself. I was actually very disappointed when I met their #s on the 3rd day. Funny thing though on the 3rd day I had very small amount of pkgs., stops, and my miles were about 15% less.

Like I said, it use to be if you had a big day with deliveries or pickups you could make some time up, now it all about getting in in 8 hours, even if you have a light day it plans better than if you had heavy bulk, lots of pieces. Another wave of the wand by IE...its a thing of beauty!


Well-Known Member
I believe most areas will gain some time on the electronic time studies..at least as a whole. Dont expect much but I guess every bit counts, if your worried about it...might keep them off your back about production. If my sup comes out with me and cant find much time being lost to justify an hour or more over I feel like ive given them a fairs day work. Its ridiculous. Theres been stories on here about mgt changing a shop stewards allowance to make a bit of bonus so he would be less likely to be a pain in the rear....so I dont take stock in them. I know that what I do a day it should be at the very minimum scratch, and that what I go by no matter what anyone says.

Im a steward and I dont get that special treatment. What am I doing wrong? lol. Im not worried about their #s. I can only see dollars signs on that report in the mourning$$$$$$$$$$$


Well-Known Member
Im a steward and I dont get that special treatment. What am I doing wrong? lol. Im not worried about their #s. I can only see dollars signs on that report in the mourning$$$$$$$$$$$

Yep, the numbers can change at a whim....keep sporh in a general area and dont wreck the truck or screw up my body beyond the screwing up it gets from repetitive methods and lifting and keep the customer half way happy and I feel like its been a successful day. UPS was once a good place to work for now at best its neutral.
My #s are actually worse w/ them on car bro. I hit their #s once in 3 days. The other 2 days I was over an hour over allowed wich I never am on my own. I always do better by myself. I was actually very disappointed when I met their #s on the 3rd day. Funny thing though on the 3rd day I had very small amount of pkgs., stops, and my miles were about 15% less.
Ya they were trying to get you in with those small numbers. I'm confused about your situation though because you said you almost never hit 'their' numbers. What are 'their' numbers if your#'s are worse with them on the car? Where are they getting their numbers from?


Well-Known Member
Ya they were trying to get you in with those small numbers. I'm confused about your situation though because you said you almost never hit 'their' numbers. What are 'their' numbers if your#'s are worse with them on the car? Where are they getting their numbers from?

Funny you ask. They made them up. They arent #s that I hit. Probably #s one of my runner gunner cover drivers hits. People hate it when he does their route. He skips breaks, sorts in lunch, and is a little wirey speedster. I can beat my time if I do that stuff to. I have to last another 14 years though.


No It's not green grocer!
Union doesnt recognize UPS #s. If they fire someone it will go no where. I had a 3 day ride and I had that threat. I almost never make the SPORH they want. Maybe 2 times a month over the last 4 months. I have not been fired, suspended or anything. Not even a warning letter.

Sword fish, aren't you a cover driver? The 3day certifications are specific to a single driver on a specifis route. And thats only if its apples to apples. Saying the Union does not recognize the numbers is true. However they do recognize the demonstrated level of STOPS PER ON ROAD HOUR, if you are running the same stops, miles, packages, and you are less than what you performed with a sup on car for 3days you can expect to be disciplined.


No It's not green grocer!
My #s are actually worse w/ them on car bro. I hit their #s once in 3 days. The other 2 days I was over an hour over allowed wich I never am on my own. I always do better by myself. I was actually very disappointed when I met their #s on the 3rd day. Funny thing though on the 3rd day I had very small amount of pkgs., stops, and my miles were about 15% less.

Please do not confuse over allowed or under allowed with SPORH. They are two completelt different thing that have absolutely nothing to do with each other.


My Senior Picture
Please do not confuse over allowed or under allowed with SPORH. They are two completelt different thing that have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
SPOHR only encompasses two variables in a very complicated equation.
While they expect alot, and make hallow attempts at discipline for SPOHR, it doesn't stick.
This is evident in your building where the same driver has now gotten two "final warning letters" for this issue in leu of any real discipline.
It's a shallow bluff that works on the weak at heart.
Do the job by the methods and let the numbers be what they will, and you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Swordfish, I never said that I talk on my cell while I drive. Doing so is illegal in New York. However, I do use my cell during the day to help both me and my customers. Work smarter, not harder.

Are you telling me that you are incapable of scanning a package and walking while watching the path ahead? I have been using the DIAD long enough now where I can use it without looking at it. It is not uncommon for me to have the package scanned and delivery location selected as I am walking toward the front door. I will knock, put the pkg between the storm and interior doors, hit stop complete and then walk back to the PC. Notice I didn't say check EDD for the next stop---we are supposed to know our next 5 stops. Also notice I didn't say sign. It's called driver release for a reason. If I do have a signature stop, which I will know ahead of time as they have an R, I will still scan the pkg but will not put it in signature mode. I will instead knock on the door and start filling out the delivery notice while looking for possible alternate delivery locations. I will knock a 2nd time if there is no answer and will then proceed to the first possible alternate delivery location and to the 2nd if needed. I will then go back to the consignee address and will leave the delivery notice with either the alternate delivery location or the reason for non-delivery and will scan the info notice, if needed, and complete the stop.

We have covered the lunch issue. You do what works for you and I will continue to do what works for me.

We have also discussed the working off the clock non-issue. If I do choose to run off a pkg on the way home I will ask the OMS clerk to adjust my tiime card accordingly. This does not happen very often.

Hey Upstate, since we're on the subject I think there is a minor flaw in your methods with regards to indirect deliveries. I can't say that I'm 100% sure that I'm right because I learned it in school when I first started driving from an instructor that hadn't delivered in 15 years and when she did it was only for 30 days.

She said the method was to leave the note that you delivered it next door. Her logic was that if you got the signature next door you wouldn't have to go back and write a note. If you didn't get the signature then obviously you would have to go back and re-write the note.

I'm not sure she knew what she was talking about because it doesn't really make the most sense to me. I'm thinking the odds are greater that you can't find a signature at the alterenate address so you should leave the note saying it will be re-attempted on the next day.

I'm talking residential stops here. Obviously if you know that the next suite will take his neighbor's parcels then you would leave the note first. Does this make sense? Do you follow me?


Well-Known Member
Just trying to spread the word about these 3 day rides. We would all be doing ourselves a favor if our SPORH numbers went down instead of up when being ridden for 3 days.

I agree, the thing is management knows they will get a better number when giving the 3-day rides for two primary reasons in my humble opinion.

The first reason is human nature. We are not robots and need to talk with our customers. This customer contact is drastically reduce with the supervisor standing right next to. You feel like you can't talk to the customer and the customer feels like he can't talk to you either. Even when I'm alone I can't shut some customers up. I don't know if they are lonely and boared or what? I wan't to fly and they want to chew my ear off, but if the sup. is there he won't talk to me except to say "thanks". Figures, right?

Secondly, they ride with the real slackers first. Most of us do our job as quickly as humanly possible. There are a small minority that will need to "get theirs" even if they don't have the work. I have no sympathy or like this segment of the work-force. Its these drivers that are going to have a problem when it comes to living up to a demonsatrated performance. My experience has been that mangement will be easier on the yappers and come down on the blatant and lazy drivers. They get on my nerves also because I go out and bust my butt everyday only to have to help someone who can't pull his own weight.

I've seen enough to know if the route is really screwed up, then the 3-day ride will prove that. I've also been around long enough to see the minority out over 9.5 EVERY DAY and then in under 8.5 with the supervior. I witnessed this with the driver next to me who I needed to help or take his airs in on a nightly basis. Then he goes out with the sup. for 3 days and they are in before me every day. I almost can't even look at him everyday. I feel like saying (but I don't) "what the heck man? you're killing me! I have enough work and when I'm done I want to go home. I don't want to go and get more work from you!!!"

It would be OK if he needed help here and there and was over-dispatched every day. But we are both in-range and I need to grab his reds or help him. It gets old really quick


Package Center Manager
I feel like saying (but I don't) "what the heck man? you're killing me! I have enough work and when I'm done I want to go home. I don't want to go and get more work from you!!!"

So why don't you tell him? I mean in a professional way? I have seen it more then once.


If the delivery notice had an extra line or 2 you could give them a better explanation. Or you could just do like the FedEx Ground guy and leave the pkg or several pkgs with delivery notices attached directly to each pkg.


Well-Known Member
Sword fish, aren't you a cover driver? The 3day certifications are specific to a single driver on a specifis route. And thats only if its apples to apples. Saying the Union does not recognize the numbers is true. However they do recognize the demonstrated level of STOPS PER ON ROAD HOUR, if you are running the same stops, miles, packages, and you are less than what you performed with a sup on car for 3days you can expect to be disciplined.

Im a coverdriver thats assigned to a route that I think I have decided to take over(orginal driver is getting fired for 2 DUIs but the process isnt done yet). I wont let my #s be better w/ my supe w/ me anyway :smart: so I dont have to deal w/ the crap.