Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
Because there are clear limits on the punishment for impeachment. If the democrats believed they really had a case, they would have just let the AG pursue criminal charges against Trump. Upon conviction he would be facing jail time and preclusion from holding office again. But they knew they had no case, and their only chance at trying to block him from running again was this sham of an impeachment. Bill Clinton got a more thorough trial for a blow job.
Clinton was 45% guilty of lying to an unrelated question to the whitewater investigation.
Trump was 57% guilty of starting an insurrection.


I'm a star
He convinced a bunch of people a crisis was imminent. He got them agitated and angry. He told his followers they needed to act to further the cause. His followers killed a handful of people as a result. All he did was speak though. Freedom of speech, right?

So you think that feeding your followers illicit hallucinogens that make them more receptive to suggestion is protected by the first amendment? Interesting. I'll file that away for the future.


Well-Known Member
Directly as a result of the riot? Just rioters, who were not fed illicit hallucinogens, and made their own decisions and were responsible for their own actions.
It could be argued that what comes out of Trumps mouth is a hallucinogenic. 😆
So the only difference is whether your followers are taking drugs?