Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
You Democraps have no problem ignoring private businesses being attacked, but if it's a government building then it is the end of the world.

The reason is government is your church.
Politicians are your sanhedrin.
Biden is your pope.

Any affront to the legitimacy of Democrap power is heresy. It has to be suppressed to prop up the lie of your church's founder, Karl Marx.
You call names now? I am a 35 year conservative. I believe you gave me crap for defending trump about his comments “Grab them by the ....” after years of trumps trashy conduct, Trump has converted me to a Democrap. As you say. I hope sometime soon the Republicans party will find a candidate with class.


Well-Known Member
Here let me educate you roadrunner:
There are Democrats in the House of Representatives.

You're welcome lady.
Did you ever take a civics class in HS?
Let me educate you, since you obviously are misinformed as to what actually happened.
It's a 2 minute listen.

Historically, I only know of Sen Boxer's objection in 2005 over voting rights. The Democrats never contested the election results. In 1969, a Republican Elector switched his vote to Wallace from Nixon. Of course, as I'm sure you know, 1876 was another matter altogether, but not really applicable to the 2021 situation.

You're welcome for the education, hope you learned something.

BIDEN: Is the objection in writing and signed not only by the member of the House of Representatives, but also by a senator?

MCGOVERN: Mr. President, the objection is in writing, signed by a member of the House of Representatives, but not yet by a member of the United States Senate.

BIDEN: In that case, the objection cannot be entertained.

INSKEEP: Biden made this ruling again and again.


JAMIE RASKIN: Electoral votes cast by Florida were cast by electors not lawfully certified because they violated Florida's prohibition against dual office holding.

BIDEN: The debate is out of order.

KING: Finally, there was an objection over the vote from Georgia.


BIDEN: The objection cannot be entertained.

PRAMILA JAYAPAL: Mr. President, the objection is signed by a member of the House, but not yet by a member of the Senate.

BIDEN: Well, it is over.


Inordinately Right
Name calling tells a lot about you.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You call names now? I am a 35 year conservative. I believe you gave me crap for defending trump about his comments “Grab them by the ....” after years of trumps trashy conduct, Trump has converted me to a Democrap. As you say. I hope sometime soon the Republicans party will find a candidate with class.
I don't believe you.

Trump can't make you change your basic beliefs and even Conservatives do not like Trump.

The Driver

I drive.
Who was the most treasonous? The Duck Dynasty guy or the Viking dude?
This wasn't treason. It was a hundred idiots who went a little too far.
The other 10,000 did nothing but march peacefully.
Everyone who broke through the doors against police orders, chanted “HANG MIKE PENCE!” and was caught with weapons after breaking through police inside the Capitol.
A full investigation is underway.