Suspended For Making "Divisive Comments"


Staff member
She's not done, we haven't stuck a fork in her yet.
Because she poses a threat to national security?

I thought Trump won.

That's ok. Go after Hillary if you want. Sure is strange that this all is ramping up the hotter things get for the president though. Almost like they think the investigation will go away if it somehow threatens the Clintons. What a strange thought.


Well-Known Member
It is much easier to simply write a check.

Donating time requires commitment.
What is the FDX policy on that? You seem to be so worried about what happens at FDX.

Donating money requires a commitment as well.

Either way, if you broadcast your charity work, most likely you are doing it for the wrong reason.


Happy Verified UPSer
So, I was sent home today for making comments about the rumored indictments being brought against Trump's campaign managers (presumably) during stretch-and-flex.

My exact comment was "I see the universe is about to throw out those un-American pieces of trash."

After the sort, the senior (not sure why she was even there on a Saturday) came up to me and asked why I made such comments. I replied that I'm always right about everything, and I predicted months ago that the indictments would happen - many employees think the collusion theories are "fake news." Well, guess what hoople-heads -the "fake news" defense doesn't work when the feds are breathing down your neck.

She said my comments were divisive and sent me home (it was hinted that I may be terminated).

If I'm terminated, what are the odds that I will successfully GFT the decision?

Some background: The senior is a lesbian, and her girlfriend has openly remarked in the past of how good looking I am during company events (bowling, picnics etc). The senior has not taken this well (other employees can substantiate this claim).

What do you think? Would they dare fire me? I would hate to lose out on the benefits package that Fedex offers - I think it's pretty great working for the company.

wear a wire from now on and i'll be your lawyer. 25% of a multi-million settlement is not bad.

What The Hawk?

Exactly. I have been made fun of because I admitted I have no idea what some of my coworkers make per hour. I stay out of other people's business and like for them to stay out of mine. I don't discuss money, politics or religion with anyone at work and only with close friends.
Even sports talk can separate people.


Well-Known Member
Because she poses a threat to national security?

I thought Trump won.

That's ok. Go after Hillary if you want. Sure is strange that this all is ramping up the hotter things get for the president though. Almost like they think the investigation will go away if it somehow threatens the Clintons. What a strange thought.
Think what you like, spin how you want, in your heart you know there is unfinished business. I've read plenty enough that you have written about Trump, and if he was accused of anything that Hillary has done you'd be burning him in effigy.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Think what you like, spin how you want, in your heart you know there is unfinished business. I've read plenty enough that you have written about Trump, and if he was accused of anything that Hillary has done you'd be burning him in effigy.
The current uranium "scandal" is idiotic on it's face. The US imports most of its uranium. This mine was sold to a Russian company. That company couldn't export the uranium. It's a giant nothing burger that's being used to scare people because uranium is scary.


Well-Known Member
The current uranium "scandal" is idiotic on it's face. The US imports most of its uranium. This mine was sold to a Russian company. That company couldn't export the uranium. It's a giant nothing burger that's being used to scare people because uranium is scary.
So you say, stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
He has no idea. He needs the focus to change.
I don't need anything to change, scratch that I do. What I need to change is the rules for appointing independent counsels to be IDENTICAL. Had to throw in a little My Cousin Vinny. Sorry please excuse me.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Who cares? Collusion isn't a crime.

I'm certain he probably could have broken campaign/disclosure laws though.
no he is busted for some kind of fruad but it gots nothing to do with trump. The guy was playing both sides and gots ties to both sides