Suspension Letters Come Certified Mail?

10 point

Well-Known Member
Why does UPS make a simple job so complicated? Deliver the package to the correct address on time and go home.
Every once in awhile, when I'm tired at the end of a day of walking on ice, I'll stop complete a signature only stop as Office (selection #7) after I've driver released a bunch of front door (selection #7) stops. If it's a Saver, I may have to eat crow to the customer, ask to scan the pkg(s) again, get their signature again, and then void the prior stop out.
After a whole day of predominantly commercial stops it can happen...when I'm tired.
They've got to trust their drivers and give us the premium service help we need instead of putting everything on the employees all the time.
Lazy people.


Well-Known Member
No need to call the center. Our sups would rather us correct an honest mistake than have to answer for a bogus late saver. With telematics and GPS it would be silly to discipline a driver in that situation. Its the ones that void and edit to hide (defraud) an actual late saver that need to worry.
I fully agree with how your center works. In mine it soley depends on who the on road is that day. The 1st time it happend to me it was my very 1st day on my own after my 3 day with on road, I was doing a saver after 3 to a apt they were not home so I la/c to office got my signature from office then screwed up and hit 7 (office) vs 1 residential then the late air screen showed up then I realized I screwed up so i called a on road and she said "ok well i will show you later how to do it and ill fix it tonight".. Next day she gives me a warning letter. My steward was pissed because it was my 1st day by myself.


good people drink good beer
Is it just me but have they made this job unnecessarily complicated so that every day we make a myriad of ticky tacky little mistakes so it makes it easier to build a case against us for future use?