

Well-Known Member
So now Trump is saying that Assad has to go. Is there a country in the Middle East where in recent history a strongman leader has been forcefully removed from power and the country is better off?

Every time I hear it said that another Middle East leader needs to go, I think back to a 2007' speech given by General Wesley Clark.



Well-Known Member
Do you watch "Homeland"? Last year Carrie stopped Muslim fanatics from gassing hundreds in Berlin. Just as exciting, thought provoking, and well written as in previous years when it received numerous awards. But last season wasn't nominated for any Emmys. It may have been for something obscure but nothing major. Same thing happened to "Zero Dark Thirty" at the Oscars. Was critical of Obama's handling of terrorists. Same director got best director for "The Hurt Locker." And then there was "American Sniper." Looked to me the best movie that year. Lost to "Birdman"!!!! The Left is trying very hard to downplay any problems with the Muslim world, and anyone who points anything out pays a price. Which ultimately will lead to what you're saying if they get back in power. And Trump will be torn apart by the media to achieve that.
You might want to take up golfing, bingo or just getting stoned on the beach Van. You got way too much time on your hands to be thinking up this kind of stuff.
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Nine Lives


Well-Known Member
Secretary of Defense Mattis claims the Tomahawk strike took out about 20% of the Syrian operational aircraft. I'm going on the assumption this means military aircraft and that the only target struck was the Shayrat Air Base. This doesn't count the Tomahawks that totally missed the target and hit elsewhere. Specific numbers given were that 20 operational planes were destroyed on the ground during the strike. In 2011' it was reported that Syria had the following aircraft inventory in their Air Force.

575 fixed-wing aircraft:
Combat/reconnaissance/OCU aircraft: 461
Training aircraft: 76
Transport aircraft: 26
191 rotary-wing aircraft:
Attack helicopters: 71
Armed transport/utility helicopters: 120

source: Center for Strategic and International Studies

CNN sourcing IHS Jane's Defense Analysts states the following: "Defense analysts IHS Jane's estimate the Syrian airforce has about 262 strike aircraft, although the company admits this may be an imperfect number due to the ongoing war."

Using the lower number from IHS Jane, how does Mattis take 20 destroyed aircraft and come up with the 20% number? At best 10% seems more proper here. Going to google earth and seeing a shot of the Shayrat Base with its hardened bunkers, 20 aircraft taken out seems plausible looking at the image but this doesn't equate to 20% of the Syrian Air Force. Did Mattis misspeak or make a math mistake which can happen or was he deliberately and intended to twist numbers for the sake of political PR?
