

Well-Known Member
clearly not. theres a faction that never votes for any but the most obscure candidates so they can then brag that they did not vote for whomever is in power. Thank god for those few or Trump may have lost .

@vantexan Unlike yourself, at least others here are much closer to the truth.

Thanks to @newfie to somewhat correcting the record!


Inordinately Right
Secretary of Defense Mattis claims the Tomahawk strike took out about 20% of the Syrian operational aircraft. I'm going on the assumption this means military aircraft and that the only target struck was the Shayrat Air Base. This doesn't count the Tomahawks that totally missed the target and hit elsewhere. Specific numbers given were that 20 operational planes were destroyed on the ground during the strike. In 2011' it was reported that Syria had the following aircraft inventory in their Air Force.

575 fixed-wing aircraft:
Combat/reconnaissance/OCU aircraft: 461
Training aircraft: 76
Transport aircraft: 26
191 rotary-wing aircraft:
Attack helicopters: 71
Armed transport/utility helicopters: 120

source: Center for Strategic and International Studies

CNN sourcing IHS Jane's Defense Analysts states the following: "Defense analysts IHS Jane's estimate the Syrian airforce has about 262 strike aircraft, although the company admits this may be an imperfect number due to the ongoing war."

Using the lower number from IHS Jane, how does Mattis take 20 destroyed aircraft and come up with the 20% number? At best 10% seems more proper here. Going to google earth and seeing a shot of the Shayrat Base with its hardened bunkers, 20 aircraft taken out seems plausible looking at the image but this doesn't equate to 20% of the Syrian Air Force. Did Mattis misspeak or make a math mistake which can happen or was he deliberately and intended to twist numbers for the sake of political PR?

Alternative facts.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
And this is how politically correct thinking starts which ultimately shuts down free speech. People without chips on their shoulders knew what he meant.
The West did not even know what Hitler was doing as the war was being fought it was only after that they discovered a lot of these atrocities


Well-Known Member
It's always good to have someone else proofread your stuff.

saw the clip kind of looked like he got tongue tied. mad dog explained it better later when he stated that chemical weapons had never been delivered by airplane during WWII or the Korean war. CBS nightly news led off with the story like they thought that was the number one story of the day. An Obama spokesman saying the same thing would not have gotten noticed.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
And this is how politically correct thinking starts which ultimately shuts down free speech. People without chips on their shoulders knew what he meant.
The West did not even know what Hitler was doing as the war was being fought it was only after that they discovered a lot of these atrocities
Laughing at an idiot that says blatant lies for a living is what shuts down free speech? The guy made a ridiculous claim and he is being mocked accordingly.


Well-Known Member
What does your link have to do with Spicey "forgetting" about the gas chambers? Spicey literally said Hitler didn't use chemical weapons. If you don't see the humor in that I pity you, it is hilarious.

I'm sorry you didn't mention spicer specifically in your post. You mentioned an idiot so I naturally thought of the biggest one this country has seen. Obama.

10 Pt

Secretary of Defense Mattis claims the Tomahawk strike took out about 20% of the Syrian operational aircraft. I'm going on the assumption this means military aircraft and that the only target struck was the Shayrat Air Base. This doesn't count the Tomahawks that totally missed the target and hit elsewhere. Specific numbers given were that 20 operational planes were destroyed on the ground during the strike. In 2011' it was reported that Syria had the following aircraft inventory in their Air Force.

575 fixed-wing aircraft:
Combat/reconnaissance/OCU aircraft: 461
Training aircraft: 76
Transport aircraft: 26
191 rotary-wing aircraft:
Attack helicopters: 71
Armed transport/utility helicopters: 120

source: Center for Strategic and International Studies

CNN sourcing IHS Jane's Defense Analysts states the following: "Defense analysts IHS Jane's estimate the Syrian airforce has about 262 strike aircraft, although the company admits this may be an imperfect number due to the ongoing war."

Using the lower number from IHS Jane, how does Mattis take 20 destroyed aircraft and come up with the 20% number? At best 10% seems more proper here. Going to google earth and seeing a shot of the Shayrat Base with its hardened bunkers, 20 aircraft taken out seems plausible looking at the image but this doesn't equate to 20% of the Syrian Air Force. Did Mattis misspeak or make a math mistake which can happen or was he deliberately and intended to twist numbers for the sake of political PR?

If they have that many planes why did the Russians have to send their aircraft over there?