Tentative Agreement


Well-Known Member
Re: contract approval

A PART TIME job is exactly that. NO part time job can support a family, so for people still riding that horse, it's time to dismount.

I'm not going to lie, unless I hear something at the meeting with my local that REALLY sways my opinion, I plan on voting yes.

Is the job perfect? By no means. But as others have said, we shovel cardboard for quite a good bit of money. I plan on having a nice chunk saved up by my retirement to not be dependent on a pension, so that's not such a bother either.

Just because part time doesnt support a family, doesnt mean they shouldnt be paid well for their time. The bottom line is that none of us should have to take concessions in any way, shape, or form with UPS at its most successful point in history.

Ill be voting no


Well-Known Member
Down south with the us getting the lowest pension nation wide, and this contract proposal offering as additional 200 for 30-35 years making it a whopping 3200 for 30 years and 3700 for 35 years is one reason I am voting no.. When I see a post from a driver out west who gets, after 25 years 3800-3900, and here we get 2000 after 25 years? Something is way out of whack..I am planning on retiring very soon, and was hoping for an increase in our pension but 200 dollars is ridiculous !!
You should be voting NO on your supplement instead. We only have summer and peak casual drivers. Even this new 9.5 language will protect our RI cover drivers based upon stipulation #1 and #2. You need to enforce the intent of language in your contract. Our cover drivers start at $18.75 under the new deal. Now, our casual drivers will be a pool of part timers. No more outside casuals. The time and duration that the casuals work will come off their progression. So if your PT to drive for the summer vacation and peak can take up to 24 weeks a year off your progression.

Check it again stink.... anytime a "part time cover driver" gets from Nov1-Dec31 will not count towards their progression. We had new cover drivers come up last year in Oct drive ALL peak, then got the boot back to the building because they can not earn time towards progression OR acquire cover driver seniority during peak. A few of those guys had 3 years more seniority than me and havent seen a truck since 2012... I know for a solid fact they wont return to just drive peak again this year for these wages when they can double in the hub for MORE $$$
They changed that language in our supplement in the TA.
Part-time employees may place their names on a list for Temporary Cover Drivers. The list will be posted for a two (2) week period effective January 1st and July 1st of each year.
Qualified Temporary Cover Drivers and Casual Drivers may work during the months of June, July, August, the first two (2) weeks in September, and from October 15th through January 15th. Temporary Cover Driver jobs will be filled by part-time employees consistent with Article 57, Section 2 (b) (1). Temporary Cover Drivers will be utilized prior to Casual employees. Temporary Cover Drivers will be recalled based upon earliest date of qualification as a Temporary Cover Driver.
Temporary Cover Drivers shall continue to accrue part-time seniority.
Part-time employees who successfully complete a thirty (30) day qualification period working as a Temporary Cover Driver will not have to complete another probationary period as a successful bidder on a regular full- time position. An employee who fails to qualify shall not be allowed to re-qualify one (1) year.
Once qualified as a Temporary Cover Driver, employees will be assigned to the building in which they are domiciled as a part-time employee. Temporary Cover Drivers shall not be required to perform driving work in other buildings unless mutually agreed to by the Employer and the Union.
(a) While performing cover for full-time seniority drivers part-time employees shall receive the applicable package car driver progression rate of pay as provided by Article 41 of the National Master Agreement or his/her part-time wage rate whichever is higher. Part-time employees working as Temporary Cover Drivers shall accumulate progression service time credit which will move them through the progression schedule contained in Article 41. As they reach pay rate anniversaries under the progression schedule they shall receive the appropriate hourly wage rate contained in the schedule or their part-time rate if higher. Upon permanent transfer from part-time to full-time the company shall recognize the accumulated progression service time under the Article 41 progression schedule and shall place the new full-time employee at the hourly rate provided by the progression schedule based upon their accumulated progression service time or their part-time wage rate if higher. It is understood that accumulated progression service will only be recognized for wage schedule progression purposes and not for seniority credit on the full-time seniority list.
While working as a Temporary Cover Driver part-time employees shall be paid eight (8) hours straight time for Sick and Personal Days at the appropriate rate of pay.


Well-Known Member
Re: contract approval

Ive not made one complaint about $. Im 29 years old partner, I was driving at 21 making over $50k a year... more than the people I went to college with, YES I dropped out of college to drive the truck. Why? Better pay, better benefits, and a Fortune 500 company, I would not find that with a Criminal Justice degree. I almost have triple digits in 401k, I max out my Roth every year, and I do well on my index funds in my private portfolio. UPSGuy72.... relate with me man... the human body cant drive package 200 stops a day 5 days a week.
If you throw a soup can on the floor a half dozen times, it will eventually be so dented up it cant be open with a can opener, sure the soup is still fine... but the outside makes the inside worthless.

Good analogy! My doctor once told me that it doesnt matter how perfectly you lift every box, or how gently you walk in and out of that package car.... eventually all that repetitive motion will wear down your joints, faster than old age will.


KTM rider
Re: contract approval

I would LOVE to work a 40 hour week. If a driver in progression gets the hours, I will never file that grievance. OT should be a rare occurrence.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
You should be voting NO on your supplement instead. We only have summer and peak casual drivers. Even this new 9.5 language will protect our RI cover drivers based upon stipulation #1 and #2. You need to enforce the intent of language in your contract. Our cover drivers start at $18.75 under the new deal. Now, our casual drivers will be a pool of part timers. No more outside casuals. The time and duration that the casuals work will come off their progression. So if your PT to drive for the summer vacation and peak can take up to 24 weeks a year off your progression.

Ok stink question. Will this be retroactive at all?

Say someone has worked 4 seasonal periods the last two years and then gets hired in sept or oct. Do those 4 seasonals count or are the screwed? Also does it actually cut that time from progression or just move your pay up where u would be and freeze u there?


Man of Great Wisdom
Re: contract approval

Down south with the us getting the lowest pension nation wide, and this contract proposal offering as additional 200 for 30-35 years making it a whopping 3200 for 30 years and 3700 for 35 years is one reason I am voting no.. When I see a post from a driver out west who gets, after 25 years 3800-3900, and here we get 2000 after 25 years? Something is way out of whack..I am planning on retiring very soon, and was hoping for an increase in our pension but 200 dollars is ridiculous !!

Down south the average worker makes half what they make up here in the rust belt. My pension is 3k a month, just like yours. Lose the rage. You said you have half a million saved. Relax. FYI, I seem a bit agitated tonight.


60 months and counting
Re: contract approval

You should be voting NO on your supplement instead. We only have summer and peak casual drivers. Even this new 9.5 language will protect our RI cover drivers based upon stipulation #1 and #2. You need to enforce the intent of language in your contract. Our cover drivers start at $18.75 under the new deal. Now, our casual drivers will be a pool of part timers. No more outside casuals. The time and duration that the casuals work will come off their progression. So if your PT to drive for the summer vacation and peak can take up to 24 weeks a year off your progression.

does all of the east coast use casual drivers???


60 months and counting
Re: contract approval

Down south the average worker makes half what they make up here in the rust belt. My pension is 3k a month, just like yours. Lose the rage. You said you have half a million saved. Relax. FYI, I seem a bit agitated tonight.

how many people have 500k saved up, on top of a pension and ssi....not many.


60 months and counting
Re: contract approval

Ive not made one complaint about $. Im 29 years old partner, I was driving at 21 making over $50k a year... more than the people I went to college with, YES I dropped out of college to drive the truck. Why? Better pay, better benefits, and a Fortune 500 company, I would not find that with a Criminal Justice degree. I almost have triple digits in 401k, I max out my Roth every year, and I do well on my index funds in my private portfolio. UPSGuy72.... relate with me man... the human body cant drive package 200 stops a day 5 days a week.
If you throw a soup can on the floor a half dozen times, it will eventually be so dented up it cant be open with a can opener, sure the soup is still fine... but the outside makes the inside worthless.

thats why you slow down and go the speed that your body needs to go to survive...it doesnt mean be a slug, or a speedwalker and a spaz...there is lots of injuries that happen at this company..ups knows this but cant openly say it for legal reasons...if we really knew the numbers..it would probably be scary.

quamba 638

Well-Known Member
A PART TIME job is exactly that. NO part time job can support a family, so for people still riding that horse, it's time to dismount.

I'm not going to lie, unless I hear something at the meeting with my local that REALLY sways my opinion, I plan on voting yes.

Is the job perfect? By no means. But as others have said, we shovel cardboard for quite a good bit of money. I plan on having a nice chunk saved up by my retirement to not be dependent on a pension, so that's not such a bother either.

Has someone actually said " I except to live solely on my part time job"??

balland chain

Well-Known Member
Re: contract approval

Down south the average worker makes half what they make up here in the rust belt. My pension is 3k a month, just like yours. Lose the rage. You said you have half a million saved. Relax. FYI, I seem a bit agitated tonight.
My personal sacrifices are not the issue.. Yeah,,I have saved and invested and worked my ass off to get where I am today..I drive a 20 year old car, I have had no car payments for 19 years, for a long time I did not go on vacations, brown bag my lunch, and so much more, and I have to thank GOD as well for my blessings.. The issue is the union here does not take care of us like they should..We have been stuck in the central states plan that is horrible , and a 200 dollar increase in our pension will not even cover the insurance for a single person. When I see a post from a driver with 25 years who will get almost double what we get after 25, well that just pisses me off.. Now, my rage, UPS created this 26 years ago and there continued antics prevent me from loosing it.. I will take your advice and try to relax.. That may change Saturday when I am at my Union hall though... FYI I am always agitated..:angry:


Well-Known Troll
Re: contract approval

Has someone actually said " I except to live solely on my part time job"??

Page 2, Post 12.

Does he come right out and say, word for word what you asked? No

But to bitch and whine because UPS part time doesn't support your family for 20 hours of work per week, NO LEGAL job will support a family of 4 for working 20 hours a week. You want to be a hitman or sell drugs? Then sure, you might be able to support them.

Before I came to UPS I worked at an auto shop, FULL TIME, and THAT wouldn't even support a family. I don't really know what PTers are expecting.....$20-25 an hour because they think that's acceptable and one can support a family while working less than half the time and with 1/4 the responsibility that FT drivers have?


Well-Known Member
Ok stink question. Will this be retroactive at all?

Say someone has worked 4 seasonal periods the last two years and then gets hired in sept or oct. Do those 4 seasonals count or are the screwed? Also does it actually cut that time from progression or just move your pay up where u would be and freeze u there?
The first question of retro pay Im not 100% on. Great question and I'll find out today.
For the second question, it does both. You will move up in pay and also reduce your progression. I do however recommend that these people keep a tally of weeks worked. You know how UPS can be with calculations.


Bad Moon Risen'
Re: contract approval

Ok. Here in central states I am happy with the health care we have, it was a small step down from part time health care. As we have the health care coverage from the union already this is a neutral point. I think it could get better with more people in it. Unlikely to get worse IMO. I think if it was reversed and everyone had union health care now there would be just as much resistance to be forced to join a UPS run plan

The raise is good for full timers. I expected less

In our hub It takes 5 years to go full time. When I went it took me 13 years. So a 4 year progression is better in that context. Granted this only applies at our hub

I am at the bottom of the feeder list. As it was I would only get vacation weeks in jan and feb for several years The new language means I get 1 week in the summer and I get to pick 3 weeks before the top guy gets to pick his last 3 weeks. This one point makes a big deal to me. Granted its probably going to tick off the top 50% of drivers. For me it means getting to take a vacation with my family

I think PT is getting shafted again, just not as hard.

for context I am a new feeder driver with 24 years in.

I also compare us to our rivals. I don't want to be in a position in 10 years where we no longer make profits. It's a job that pays well for me and I would like to retire with. Part of it maybe how easy feeders is to package car. This job has turned 180 deg for my stress and well being.

I imagine this will be taken by some as being selfish. I am voting yes, but I will certainly support a majority no vote if it does come to that.

I would not count on that summer vacation just yet. Read the whole section and note "with approval from the union". There would be a slim to none chance that the top 51% of drivers in your classification are going to vote to give up their vacation picks.


Well-Known Member
Re: contract approval

thats why you slow down and go the speed that your body needs to go to survive...it doesnt mean be a slug, or a speedwalker and a spaz...there is lots of injuries that happen at this company..ups knows this but cant openly say it for legal reasons...if we really knew the numbers..it would probably be scary.
There are actual numbers its close to 15% of total employees suffer from a workman's comp related injury yearly.... You can probably round that up to 20% for the guys intimidated into not claiming a workman's comp, "take tomorrow and friday off and call us on Monday and let us know how you feel, maybe its just sore".... ACL surgery later that year and UPS wont let them allow it under comp because when you call in Monday and say you cant make it, they can say you must of made it worst over the weekend, your SOL!


Well-Known Member
Last - best - final

We cannot accept the first offer as the LAST - BEST - FINAL OFFER from UPS. I hold no grudge in paying my Union Dues, but I'm voting NO to send them back to the negotiating table. This is not the best the UNION and UPS can do for us, over $1,000,000,000+ Billion in 1st quarter profits and I'm glad, show some appreciation and you'll have no trouble keeping record profits.


Nine Lives
Re: Last - best - final

We cannot accept the first offer as the LAST - BEST - FINAL OFFER from UPS. I hold no grudge in paying my Union Dues, but I'm voting NO to send them back to the negotiating table. This is not the best the UNION and UPS can do for us, over $1,000,000,000+ Billion in 1st quarter profits and I'm glad, show some appreciation and you'll have no trouble keeping record profits.
Profits are used to pay dividends, management MIP and invest in capital expenditures such as buildings, planes and vehicles.
UPS has decent profits but it is nothing spectacular.

If you eliminate management MIP and put it in their salary, it will become part of Operating Expense and the profit will be decreased accordingly.

I don't begrudge anybody getting more but the indignant assertion that friend/T UPS Union employees should be compensated higher is incredibly greedy and ignorant. Go for it though.

UPS Accountants and Teamster Accountants see this reality looming on the horizon. How they educate the greedy Union members is the problem.

None of the above applies to Part-Timers who used and abused by UPS, Teamsters and friend/T UPS Union employees.