Thanks TDU


Well-Known Member
Your name says it all.
My name does say it all we'll fight for the lions share! Sorry you can't understand this brother!
I think you already are TDU based on your statement. Are you a troll put here to talk it up? Or are you just uninformed? You want to know why TDU is hated? Look up any of my past posts. It's fine to inform members, but to divide them is the antithesis of Teamster. Yes divide them. Yup, Divide. DIVIDE!!!


Well-Known Member
And nobody's answering my question. So they charge you 40$ a yr. yet we pay roughly 40 a month (pt)) for our union dues now. .... Can someone honestly just answer my question? Why is the tdu so hated? Can I please get a real answer? Do you even know why you hate them? Or is it just the propaganda machine at its best? Or is it Today I think I'm just gonna wake up and hate the tdu.. I don't know who they are or what they represent but I'm just gonna hate it cause its not status quo

Each of us have our own reasons, some more serious than the other. I myself am not a supporter as they are against the current regime even though the majority of the members support the current regime. Come election time, I don't care who they support, but once the election is over they should support and stand behind the officials elected by the union. Unfortunately they don't do that and they campaign 24/7 against the Hoffa/Hall administration. In these times of declining support for unions we all need to stand together as one.
Very eloquent!!!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Each of us have our own reasons, some more serious than the other. I myself am not a supporter as they are against the current regime even though the majority of the members support the current regime. Come election time, I don't care who they support, but once the election is over they should support and stand behind the officials elected by the union. Unfortunately they don't do that and they campaign 24/7 against the Hoffa/Hall administration. In these times of declining support for unions we all need to stand together as one.

When Carey was in charge, what did you think the Old Guard was doing. Trying to tear him down every second of every day. It's called a two party system. Republicans and Democrats. Or would you perfer a one party system with nobody daring to even challange for one second anything that the Old Guard does?


Well-Known Member
So can anyone explain why tdu is so hated???

They are only hated by the old guard hierarchy. Most teamsters like and appreciate what the organization does though most do not join. They are hated mostly because they are a threat to the old guard's multiple salaries, wishy washy business unionism, go along to get along mentality and basic weakness in negotiating with employers. Members usually join because they have problems in their own local with corrupt or weak leaders. They join because they are sick and tired of being lied to by people whose salary they pay . They join because their BAs dont stop at their buildings and when they actually show up they stand around laughing it up with management. They join because their local leadership stops caring about the members and cares only about staying in office. TDU gives members the ability to fight against all this with expertise and information. The group has been around since the really bad ol days. They have helped groom some good local activists who have taken on weak union leaders throughout this country. In sum they are the reform wing of the teamsters, a progressive group whose purpose is to educate, organize and mobilize members to speak up and make a difference locally as well as nationally. The old guard "leaders" and their lemmings fear this and distain any challenge to their old and tired playbook. Deep down i bet some of them know that TDU is right about lots of things but they are too deep into the power structure to turn back and admit it.


Well-Known Member
Very well said, 804brown. There are plenty of Local officers and BAs who know that Junior had no qualifications for becoming General President in the first place.

If any other human being on the planet put themselves up as a candidate for GP who had never worked as a rank-and-file Teamster (except for a very short time as a college kid), who had never been a Teamster organizer, Business Agent, Local Union officer, Joint Council officer, or International officer, then that obviously unqualified person would have gotten exactly one vote for General President--their own.

But Junior did have something--an infamous name. A name which could be exploited by the Old Guard officers to keep themselves in office. So the OG used the name Hoffa to get the votes of the, shall we say, "low-intelligence" members. It was called "Let's Lake a Deal". Hoffa got to play the position of Almighty General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, just like daddy. In return, Hoffa agreed to let the OG continue to do practically anything they wanted to, in their own little fiefdoms.

That's why the OG hypes up and votes for Hoffa, even though many laugh at him in private. Because they are all looking out for their own continued employment, with its pay, power, and perks. They scratch Hoffa's back, he scratches theirs.

But this whole house of cards cannot last. Because Hoffa is 100% guaranteed to either die, retire, or get forced out at some point. He will turn 72 on May 19. And he's not getting any slimmer. There are quite a number of Teamster officers who are waiting for that moment, because THEY want to be the next GP. People such as hall, Sean O'Brien, and Rome A, just to name a few. But none of them have the name recognition of Hoffa. The OG allegiances and votes will be split. Which makes a great opportunity for a reformer to be elected.


Well-Known Member
Very well said, 804brown. There are plenty of Local officers and BAs who know that Junior had no qualifications for becoming General President in the first place.

If any other human being on the planet put themselves up as a candidate for GP who had never worked as a rank-and-file Teamster (except for a very short time as a college kid), who had never been a Teamster organizer, Business Agent, Local Union officer, Joint Council officer, or International officer, then that obviously unqualified person would have gotten exactly one vote for General President--their own.

But Junior did have something--an infamous name. A name which could be exploited by the Old Guard officers to keep themselves in office. So the OG used the name Hoffa to get the votes of the, shall we say, "low-intelligence" members. It was called "Let's Lake a Deal". Hoffa got to play the position of Almighty General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, just like daddy. In return, Hoffa agreed to let the OG continue to do practically anything they wanted to, in their own little fiefdoms.

That's why the OG hypes up and votes for Hoffa, even though many laugh at him in private. Because they are all looking out for their own continued employment, with its pay, power, and perks. They scratch Hoffa's back, he scratches theirs.

But this whole house of cards cannot last. Because Hoffa is 100% guaranteed to either die, retire, or get forced out at some point. He will turn 72 on May 19. And he's not getting any slimmer. There are quite a number of Teamster officers who are waiting for that moment, because THEY want to be the next GP. People such as hall, Sean O'Brien, and Rome A, just to name a few. But none of them have the name recognition of Hoffa. The OG allegiances and votes will be split. Which makes a great opportunity for a reformer to be elected.

With this POS contract being pushed by Junior and Hall they will have a difficult time beating the Sylvester/Campos or Campos/Silvester Slate in three years.


Well-Known Member
. Do you think TDU will have the TA on their website ( tuesday night?
I certainly hope so. Some one has to inform the patient of the bad news. Some one has to give it to the members without the spin, talking point -free. Here is what wil happen at the meeting on the 7th: Hall will explain the details and stress the importance of pre-empting TDU on the talking-points; some officers will say YOU MUST BE friend-ING and KIDDING ME, I CANT SELL THAT TO MY MEMBERS; 2 hrs later on a local conference call that officer will say how great it all is and to RECOMMEND THE MEMBERS TO VOTE YES; an hour later that same offficer is in a bar drinking away the fact that HE CANT KEEP DOING THIS TO MAKE THIS GP LOOK GOOD!!


Well-Known Member
I think you already are TDU based on your statement. Are you a troll put here to talk it up? Or are you just uninformed? You want to know why TDU is hated? Look up any of my past posts. It's fine to inform members, but to divide them is the antithesis of Teamster. Yes divide them. Yup, Divide. DIVIDE!!!
The International Brotherhood Of Teamsters was actually built on division. Go read a book about Daniel Tobin. Yes im a Troll I live under a bridge... you may remember me from Billie goats gruff.