The Biden Recession Thread


Well-Known Member
It’s funny how while he was campaigning he said, The buck stops here, yet he’s blaming anyone and everyone but himself for EVERYTHING.
The buck has never stopped with Joe Biden, he’s been a liar and a ConMan his whole career. Which is rather hilarious since most of the people who voted for him Hated Trump and they voted for A guy was a bigger con man and liar.🤷‍♂️


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
It’s funny how while he was campaigning he said, The buck stops here, yet he’s blaming anyone and everyone but himself for EVERYTHING.


Well-Known Member
this would have happened to the donald also. you just dont print up and give away trillions of dollars and expect no reaction. the economy always has lag time.

anyways trump would still have a way to blame the crats, russians, chinese, outtaspace aliens, somebody.
I think objectively you could see what the Donald would have done by looking at how the Republican states functioned post COVID. He was good for one of these spending sprees but not what Biden ended up doing. His oil policies would have been less restrictive and thus less inflationary. His transportation secretary would not have gone on a two month paternity leave in the middle of a logistics crisis that ignited our inflationary spike. You may not have liked trumps personality but you can not deny that he would have been attacking these problems instead of hiding from them.


Well-Known Member
"Everybody is short-staffed."
"Nobody wants to work anymore."
"Young people are just sitting at home collecting stimulus checks while smoking free weed."

America's Working Age Population (those aged 25-54) as reported by Federal Reserve data:
Jan 2020: 125.94M
Jan 2022: 127.16M



Well-Known Member
"Everybody is short-staffed."
"Nobody wants to work anymore."
"Young people are just sitting at home collecting stimulus checks while smoking free weed."

America's Working Age Population (those aged 25-54) as reported by Federal Reserve data:
Jan 2020: 125.94M
Jan 2022: 127.16M

So working age is considered 25-54 but Baby Boomers are to blame for the labor shortage even though the youngest Boomers are 58!


Strength through joy
Biden began his term with the federal strategic oil reserves nearly full.
At the rate he is emptying them today , we will be at 20% capacity by Dec 2022.
That equates to about a 20 day supply.
How will he fix this issue ?


Well-Known Member
Biden began his term with the federal strategic oil reserves nearly full.
At the rate he is emptying them today , we will be at 20% capacity by Dec 2022.
That equates to about a 20 day supply.
How will he fix this issue ?
Think he's getting rid of them so that we can't use them in the future? I doubt he'll refill them.


Well-Known Member
Make you tube content, be an Instagram influencer. Drive a Tesla, eat beyond meat burgers. Use gender pronouns. Work a 9–5? That’s oppressive.