The countdown to Trump Impeachment


Nine Lives
Or maybe it says something about the choices they were offered? Either way, no president has ever started out this deep in the hole. On the plus side he's got nowhere to go but up...maybe...
Hoping this is a new trend in US politics regardless who is elected.
H.L. Mencken:"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
Personally, I am enjoying the show!
Don't quite know what to think about Trump yet but life goes on.
Same as always.


Staff member
Personally, I am enjoying the show!
Don't quite know what to think about Trump yet but life goes on.
Same as always.
Wife and I were talking about that today, it's actually kind of exciting. Every morning I get some coffee and sit down to read the news and it's like "What did those crazy bastards do this time?"


Well-Known Member
Wife and I were talking about that today, it's actually kind of exciting. Every morning I get some coffee and sit down to read the news and it's like "What did those crazy bastards do this time?"

It has become such a circus, I'm paying less and less attention. I've not been impressed with what America elects for so long I've just come to accept this is what America deserves. Maybe worse and worse is likely in her future looking at the emotional reactions of voters on both sides.

I do think before it is all said and done, if nothing else Trump will piss off both political sides and maybe that too will prove interesting to watch. In a funny sense, Trump has brought about a kind of bi-partisanship in the corridors of power.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Or maybe it says something about the choices they were offered? Either way, no president has ever started out this deep in the hole. On the plus side he's got nowhere to go but up...maybe...
The time directly after inauguration is typically the high water mark for approval ratings. Not looking good for Donny.


nowhere special
The irony is I don't think he cares either.

When those polls are from the same sources that predicted he wouldn't win why should he care about them?

Interesting how 1 or 2 polls show him with much higher numbers. Are those outliers or are they more accurate as they also were for the election?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
When those polls are from the same sources that predicted he wouldn't win why should he care about them?

Interesting how 1 or 2 polls show him with much higher numbers. Are those outliers or are they more accurate as they also were for the election?
The national polls were accurate for the election. They showed Hillary winning with 2-5% margin. She won the popular vote by 2%. They weren't as accurate in individual states which determine the election but they were spot on for the national vote count.


nowhere special
The national polls were accurate for the election. They showed Hillary winning with 2-5% margin. She won the popular vote by 2%. They weren't as accurate in individual states which determine the election but they were spot on for the national vote count.

Popular vote doesn't matter. Some polls had Hillary ahead by a far greater margin.

She still lost.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Popular vote doesn't matter. Some polls had Hillary ahead by a far greater margin.

She still lost.
Your argument that the polls were inaccurate for the election is wrong. No reputable poll had a margin over 5%. The current approval ratings are accurate. America disapproves of Trump by a historically high number.


Strength through joy
The Founders set up the system specifically to prevent a few population centers from ruling the entire country, similar to the way they set up the House and Senate so that populous states wouldn’t have outsized power over less-populated states.
One set of numbers in particular really drives this point home. Trump won the vote in 2,626 counties nationwide, while Clinton won the vote in just 487 counties. That’s a stunningly low number, even for a Democrat. When former President Barack Obama won 689 counties nationwide in 2009, he set a record for the lowest number of counties won by a winning presidential candidate.

When You Hear Mention Of Clinton’s Popular Vote Total, Just Point Out This Fact


Well-Known Member
I would look for multiple sources. If every other poll shows him around 40% approval it's probably closer to that then the 59% you cited by a known right wing poll.

40 percent Is about where they had him on election day.some how he got elected. conservatives are getting threatened by liberal nuts, at the least you get accused of being a racist among other things if you publicly support Trump. I dont think people are telling pollsters what they really think.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
40 percent Is about where they had him on election day.some how he got elected. conservatives are getting threatened by liberal nuts, at the least you get accused of being a racist among other things if you publicly support Trump. I dont think people are telling pollsters what they really think.
You don't find it telling that people are embarrassed to say they support Trump? They should be embarrassed, he's clearly incompetent.


Well-Known Member
You don't find it telling that people are embarrassed to say they support Trump? They should be embarrassed, he's clearly incompetent.

Trump has done more in his first two weeks then Obama did in 8 years.

speaking of incompetence. the womans rally you went to ? organizer there promoting an anti woman sharia law agenda?
objections from liberals to Donalds offensive locker room banter answered by Madonna and her vile barrage, Ashley judd and her trump having wet dreams about his daughter comment.
people offended by Donalds locker room banter wearing vagina hats and carrying signs with the word pusillanimous on it while towing little kids with them.

you liberals have bigger problems then Donald Trump

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Trump has done more in his first two weeks then Obama did in 8 years.

speaking of incompetence. the womans rally you went to ? organizer there promoting an anti woman sharia law agenda?
objections from liberals to Donalds offensive locker room banter answered by Madonna and her vile barrage, Ashley judd and her trump having wet dreams about his daughter comment.
people offended by Donalds locker room banter wearing vagina hats and carrying signs with the word pusillanimous on it while towing little kids with them.

you liberals have bigger problems then Donald Trump
What exactly are these accomplishments of Trump that are greater than preventing a depression, saving the auto industry and helping to provide health insurance to 30 mil people? He's signed some executive orders, that's not a real accomplishment. One of Obama's first executive orders was to close Guantanamo bay, do we count that as an accomplishment?


Well-Known Member
What exactly are these accomplishments of Trump that are greater than preventing a depression, saving the auto industry and helping to provide health insurance to 30 mil people? He's signed some executive orders, that's not a real accomplishment. One of Obama's first executive orders was to close Guantanamo bay, do we count that as an accomplishment?

what cave have you been living in that you need me to explain everything to you. Trump has already delivered on many more campaign promises then Obama ever did in 8 years.