Hate to intrude on the Love Fest but ran across something that concerns the issue at hand. Brit Hume of Fox News on 5/24 discussed results of a study conducted by Pew Hispanic Center concerning current illegal immigrant and how they got here. Considering all that has been said about the border and border security, which is important, the study results do prove interesting IMO.
Original story from Hume at Fox News.
On a side note,
BTW Sloth: I gotta agree with Tie on this one in that you have called him racist, etc. etc. You may not have thought you have but over the course of many posts you have used those exact words towards Tie. If you are Susan as some here suggest, if you believe this to be the case you should not backtrack. Or is it a case of admitting this will blow your cover of who you really are?
Susan threw out hints that the Bush adminstration was Fascist but never had the courage to actually come out point blank and say it when challenged to do so. I went one step further and flatly stated in the truest sense that the US gov't for most of the 20th century and to some degree beginning back in the post Civil War era to the current has been very much a fascist leaning gov't when you consider what true fascism is and factoring out the horrible abuses of the Hilter model. Those same abuses happened in even vastly greater numbers under various communists regimes during the better part of the 20th century.
When I did make that statement not one person here challenged me on it either because I laid out my reasons why I believed what I believe. Now I'm sure many disagreed with my conclusion and that's cool but the simple fact is my harsh statement towards the US gov't was allowed to stand with no name calling or other rude behavior towards me. Now isn't that interesting from the very people who over the past you've implied are just about every evil you can speak of?
Now I happen to disagree in many areas with them and they with me I'm sure and yes, Tie can be his own worst enemy at times but you ain't exactly the innocent victim here at all. Although I've not said a word or addressed this subject at all and for the most part have not engaged you at all other than use you as a poking stick to mess with Tie. you know the lovers in the night thingy (sorry, but I'mto sick a puppy to pass up having fun with that) but I also happen to believe you are Susan as well. The chief points are you both have exact styles but more interesting is the fact you both live in Az. with Susan in the Phoenix area and I just happen to believe you live at the same address also. Sometime back you posted a post concerning a candidate running against Az. Senator Kyl and I asked you several questions on the matter. It wasn't that I wasn't interested but I was also fishing to see what you would say about local Az. politics to determine if the allegation of you really being Susan could be true. Atthat point I became pretty sure of it and just sat back and watched the comedy of it. I will admit that one poster here PM'd on the matter and I told him who I thought you were and why but otherwise I just sat back and enjoyed watching you play the part of a stray cat walking the fence at night of a backyard full of yapping dogs. But it's really starting to get old!
You've not been booted out or banned so stop playing the victim here and either have the guts to be who you really are and be upfront about it or go on and do other things that really are more worthwhile. I enjoy many aspects of all sides of political debate but when you do it under the cover of darkness, when you are acting just like the skulldugery that you would accuse the Bush family of engaging in, you really begin to lack any serious credibility. If you can't be who you really are and feel that you can't then leave. I welcome your input and will defend your right to comment on any matter but do so in openness and honesty.
Now I do know Tie is scared to death of homosexuals as he and I have debated this issue so you can call him homophobe in the
truest definition of the word. Now the question is Tie willing to stand up and not backtrack in being called a homophobe. Let's find out!
Tie, you really are a homophobe!