The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Staff member
You ain't had real sex til you had sex with a pig!
That's why Sammy keeps coming back.
Ain't had real sex 'til you film yourself having sex with said pig, cutting its throats at orgasm, butchering it while bathing in its blood, cutting off a hunk of back-bacon, frying it up and eating it. Barnyard snuff stuff.

Needless to say, the vast majority of the populace are and shall remain virgins.


Well-Known Member
the idiot, corporate, supreme court justices opened the flood gates for foreign political spending with citizens united. i remember people theorizing this back then.


Well-Known Member
there are alot of things that interfere with election outcomes. the establishment news media and the rich have very different interests than average americans. no country is one big happy family; there are competing interests.


Well-Known Member