The Truth About Right to Work (for less) in Indiana


bella amicizia
SCB (That is who this guy posts as on TNet),

I'll probably regret asking this question but here goes: You keep saying this (the quote in BOLD above). Do you have any proof of this or is it just something that you read in a Union busting article somewhere? Are you an attorney that has the required legal knowledge to back this up with at least some case law or something? If this is true, then why in your opinion wouldn't Unions in RTW states be doing it? It can't be greed if they are spending money and other resources representing freeloaders...
Hmmmmmm :winks:


Well-Known Member

I think that's a moot point. In today's situation, and given your character, why on earth would anybody who knew anything about it want to hire you in the first place?

Beyond that, you - like most "gimme, gimme" artists - seem to consider employers as existing as some kind of charitable organization. YOU AREN'T THEIR RESPONSIBILITY!!! I realize this might be a real shocker, and even an affront to you...but there's a segment of society which feels that PEOPLE OUGHT TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEMSELVES!!!!

As for your "let's say", why "let's say" that? Why not "let's say" that you're a worthless, dishonorable employee who's been a parasite and a pestilence for years (I'll bet THAT'S areal stretch, 'eh?....grin!), and are kept on only because of a corrupt bunch of thugs who are prepared to destroy the very things that provide their livelihood to protect their fellow gang members. Face it "finger-in-ass-sticker", that's a much more plausible "let's say" than the one you present. Anyway, I don't care HOW old your "let's say" guy is, I say get rid of his dead-weight butt If he's not willing to EARN his way and/or prepare for his OWN future, then tough noogies.... he STILL needs to get OUT of the employers (and a more competent worker's) way. If he wants charity, then he should show-up over at the food pantry or the DCFS office or what-not. This country simply can't afford to continuing supporting individuals who DELIBERATELY function as parasites their entire lives.

Bear in mind I'm not talking about those who have a LEGITIMATE, REASONABLE need for a safety net. Rather, I'm talking about the "gimme, gimme" artists such as yourself.

Like that "let's say", do ya, "crowbar"'? Got another "let's say" for ya'. "Let's say" that "finger-in-ass-stickers" like YOU provide the jobs for a change. "Let's say "intelligent" individuals such as YOURSELF provide the health care instead of demanding that OTHERS pay for it. "Let's say" that blowhards like YOU pay the bulk of the taxes instead of zipping through life without paying even a significant portion of your "fair" share..

Sound like a plan? Is it *EVER* likely to happen? Nope...guys like you aren't prepared to confront and deal with reality minus someone to buffer it for you. . Oh, you can scream a lot, or put up repetitious lines of text which you dishonestly attest to being someone else's words, or you can bitch and moan about what's NOT being done FOR you all day...but when it actually comes down to KNOWING things, or responding INTELLIGENTLY to issues that are presented to you, the wind goes out of your bag real quick. And in terms of actually being the PROVIDER of answers - and the wealth to back them up?. Nope...forget about it; the very thought of that leaves you reduced to talking about "sticking your pinky finger up your ass" and such.

Anyway, you should realize that those of us who actually CONTRIBUTE to the world have been watching guys like you sit around with your "fingers up your asses" for a long time now...and we don't think it's a pretty sight. We'd like to see a "neighborhood clean-up".

Like I said in another post, I'm rather giddy today because of the ongoing situation in Indiana...and, in my giddiness, I don't see much reason to hold back.


Well-Known Member

Why are you going "Hmmmmmmm"? Were you too lazy (again) to go back and read my response? Not another case of "shooting from the hip", is it?


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I didn't know you worked for the Romney campaign? I like how you've massaged your "screw the poor" message to "screw everyone as they age, screw the working class, screw the sick, basically screw everyone". I bet that will be a best seller! Hey, no one ever called you 'elitist' did they? Nah, couldn't happen.

I honestly don't know what you are crying about as far as the quoting thing. I turned on my codswallop filter and that's what came out. Strange that it doesn't seem to be affecting other intelligent and honest people who, though they may disagree, do not have an agenda. It's just you.

Oh I do agree with your point about us being responsible for ourselves. We responsibly recruited the Teamsters to be our representative, because just as you don't go into court without a lawyer we know better than to face the employer on our own. It seems to be working out quite well as we're getting such, such fat paychecks, still have our cadillac healthcare plan, still have our nice fat pensions, and still have our job security and grievance procedure unlike the 'other' so-called responsible ones who chose to go it alone. But I suppose you think all those people who hire lawyers should just let the Justice system roll over on them because they aren't conforming to your version of "personal responsibility".

Seriously, Pobre, stop smelling my finger.


Well-Known Member

I think we can safely assume that there are a LOT of things you "don't know" [smile] And, of course (as you just demonstrated) integrity is one of them. As for your "recruiting" the Teamsters, I asked a SERIOUS question a few posts back concerning just when and where the Indiana UPS'ers (to use your term) "recruited" the Teamsters. I asked if there's ANY currently-employed Indiana District UPSers who were EVER permitted to cast a vote as to whether or not to choose the Teamsters as their representation. I realize that the Indiana terminal of Overnite/UPS Freight had that privilege (after they had already de-certified once and albeit WITHOUT being permitted a secret ballot!)...but now I'm talking about that portion of UPS that has been in Indiana for fifty-five years or more.

Tell ya' what; show me that you're not just an absolute blowhard and answer that question; I'll have a little respect for you if you can and will. Personally, I don't think such current employees exists. But YOU said that "WE responsibly recruited the Teamsters to be our representative", which implies that they DO. After all, what does "we" mean?. 'Course, you also said that UPS has been union for over a hundred years ...while I'd maintain that UPS employees NEVER originally "recruited" the Teamsters at all; rather, the union was INVITED in by owner/partner Jim Casey, in a time frame well less than a 100 year ago.. And, being fairly familiar with Indiana (which, after all, is what this thread is about), I'm not aware of any Indiana UPSer that was involved in "recruiting" the Teamsters as their representative, either. But maybe you can prove me wrong.

So show me that you're not a run-of-the-mill bullsh_tter. Show me that you have half an ounce of knowledge about what you're talking about. Back up your claim. If you can, you'll earn a bit of my respect. Show us that you're good for something . If you can't....well, what should we reasonably expect from a "crowbar"-type individual?
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You're right there Paco. I don't know what it's like to have my head so firmly wedged up my ass like yours is. It will be tough, but I will live the rest of my days satisfied that you are blazing the trail for us.

I answered your serious, oh sorry SERIOUS question with proper consideration it was due. Funny, I don't recall being around to elect the Founding Fathers who ratified our Constitution, but I still follow it. I didn't get to vote on many things that affect me but I still live by the rules. I guess in your ass-involved Universe we should have a re-vote on everything.

Pobre, stop smelling my finger.


Well-Known Member

So I guess when you used the first person plural subjective pronoun "we", you weren't being entirely truthful. Nor, I assume, when you used the phrase "we RECRUITED", you either didn't know what the verb "recruited" meant, or you weren't being entirely truthful then as well. Bottom line seems to be that - regardless of the reason - you can't seem to back up what you said. That pretty much sum things up, does it?

Big surprise, isn't it?


By the way, I'll submit the same question I asked in my previous post regarding what Indiana UPS employees "voted in" Teamster representation to anyone who wants to jump in; I really WOULD like to know. To the best of my knowledge, there never was such a vote (or "recruitment", as "crowbar" might phrase) it, but I'm quite willing to be proven wrong.


Well-Known Member
now sit back and let the world watch the newest right to work state{indiana}grow jobs and bring in new industry{not}.everyone wants to reap the benefits of labor not sown.gimme gimmie gimmie.

bigblu 2 you;

Time will tell, I guess. One might note that Indiana seems to have a pretty good jump on things already. I got a kick this afternoon reading an article in which Illinois Governor Pat Quinn criticized Indiana and Mitchell for "RTW", saying that (and I'm paraphrasing here) Illinois was just as viable in creating and maintaining jobs - and the companies that supported them - without RTW legislation. Then he specifically went on to mention Caterpillar as an example. Then someone pointed out in the comments to the article that (1) Cat owned the unionized Electro-Motive plant in London, Ontario, and that (2) Cat has locked-out the employees of that plant, with requests for wage cuts, with the implied threat that the plant will be closed down if they're not met, and (3) Cat - anticipating RTW legislation - has recently opened a NON-union Electro-Motive plant to which it is transferring London, Ont production. The new plant is located in, of all places, Muncie, INDIANA.

In other responses to the same article, it was pointed out that it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to imagine the plants of highly industrialized south Chicago move the VERY short distance (in some cases, less than a mile) to the RTW (and also industrialized) cities of NW Indiana....Hammond, for example, sits right on the state line. The companies could easily keep the same workforce; it's just that the workforce (potentially) would no longer be required to pay union dues.

Meanwhile, the state of Indiana has (admittedly, fractionally) the lowest unemployment rate of the industrial Midwest (the "Rust Belt" states), is the state with the highest proportion of its population still employed in manufacturing IN THE NATION, and is one of the few states out there that has a budget SURPLUS.

Seen in that light, one can't help but believe that Indiana is "reaping the benefits" already.


Well-Known Member
Teamster readers;

If, like many Teamsters, you prefer denial instead of confrontation in terms of the issues facing the union today, might I suggest limiting yourself to obtaining your news from either the CNN or MSNBC websites for the next couple of days? As far as I can tell (and it's possible there might be something deeply buried), neither source is currently even mentioning today's signing of Indiana's "RTW" legislation. It might actually be possible to keep thoughts of the real world at bay for a while!


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I'm so glad you are giddy over your "victory" today. It exposes your true hypocritical self. I like how you justify the fact that you claim to want a voice for all workers and their 'freedom' yet are perfectly willing to stomp all over the people of Indiana who were not allowed to exercise their voice over this measure. If 'your' side had any credibility you wouldn't have done an end run around the people and would have put it to a general vote via ballot initiative. You trampled over the 'voice' of those who didn't vote for these clowns in the Indiana legislature & the Governor, those not eligible to vote in the last election, those who moved to Indiana in mid-term, and by your whacked logic you will be trampling on the voice of all those to come. Guess it's OK when it suits your purpose isn't it!

Stop sniffing my finger Pobre.


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Reaping the benefits already? So Indiana has had low unemployment while being a Union Shop State; highest proportion of manufacturing while being a Union Shop State; and a budget surplus while being a Union Shop State; yet somehow you give RTW the credit for this? I realize that in your little padded room that companies like Caterpillar just make knee-jerk decisions to move production due to legislation that is going to face a tooth & nail fight to stay on, but in the real world it doesn't work that way. Your other delusion that Companies would move their operations just to save their members the Union dues is laughable.

Stop smelling my finger Pobre.


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I think I have you figured out Pobre, tell me how close I am.

You started working as an intern for Sen. Larry Craig as a labor policies adviser making barely $30k a year. You supplemented your income by helping him with his 'wide stance' until you missed that flight and he was exposed by his arrest. You drifted awhile til you found a home at National Right To Work where you still fly a desk but now command a handsome $35k salary and have plenty of 'wide stance-types' to service. This hasn't brought you the riches you feel you deserve, being a "person of worth" so you supplemented your income helping the Romney campaign with labor & economic talking points. How am I doing so far?

Hmm, this explains your obsession with my stinky finger. Stop smelling my finger Pobre.


Well-Known Member

Don't have a clue, do ya' guy? About a LOT of things, apparently. With that, I'll say that you're about as "close" as you are on most topics you've "discussed" on this board; i.e. - a long way off and dead wrong. What a surprise.


Well-Known Member

Yep...guess "the people of Indiana who were not allowed to exercise their voice over this measure" were really denied their "rights" alright...although I'm left wondering just "who" those people you mentioned are. After all, it's only been an issue over the last COUPLE of elections - over a period of eight years and more - and it was "only" the democratically elected representatives of those "people" who made the decision. As for your idea of an "end run", you DO realize, don't you, that the Indiana constitution limits the ability to promulgate legislation to the representatives ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE, and those representatives ALONE? Is Indiana supposed to arbitrarily amend it's constitution to favor a MINORITY, albeit a highly vocal and obnoxious one, which chooses to ignore the validity of that document? Are the representatives of the State supposed to ignore the wishes of an OVERWHELMING majority of the State's voters in order to accede to the desires of a relatively minor special interest group? What kind of "credibility" would those representatives have had with the voters who elected them if they had NOT made that alleged "end run" you describe? You also realize, don't you, that the "objecting" representatives looked into the legality of such a "ballot initiative" and determined that it would NOT be legal? That, in fact, it was PROHIBITED by state law? You DID do your research to that extent, didn't you?

As for your "union shop" description, you ARE aware of one of the first acts Gov. Daniels signed on coming into office, aren't you? I'm speaking, of course, of the path taken in terms of "RTW" status of the State's public employees. Or that, in terms of the businesses attracted, the largest components of same chose to locate in decidedly NON-union portions of the state? Or are we not supposed to let little issues like "the facts" get in the way of our determination?

The truth is that the Indiana legislature figuratively bent over backwards - again, over the time frame of several years - to listen to opposing voices. But, in the end, it had to be responsible to the wishes of its constituency. THAT - and that alone - is why the legislation passed.

Seems to me that those who "trampled" on the voters rights were those who REFUSED to do the job they were elected to do; i.e. - represent their constituencies interests IN THE LEGISLATURE! NOT in Illinois! NOT in some motel room on the north side of Indy....but in the halls of the Statehouse. And I guess you wouldn't consider EVADING such responsibilities by high-tailing it across the state line an "end run", would you? Nor, I suspect, would you consider the baffling of the MAJORITY interests of the state's voters by a frustrated by a group of politicians acting childishly an "end run". Rather it seems that type of "end run" is your style of "democracy". Trotsky would have been so proud!

As for how the "real world" works, I can't help but wonder how guys like you explain the "foreign" auto plants being built in places like Tennessee. Or Alabama? Or Georgia? Seen a whole lot of them being built in Michigan, have ya'? What about New York? Or Illinois? And I'm sure [not!] no one in Indiana wanted a facility like Volkswagen's to be built in the state, did they? Want me to go on?

As for your "padded room" allusion...well, what happened to all the screaming and moaning guys like you made so noisily when it came to Boeing's decision to locate in South Carolina? Seems you guys were whistling quite a different tune then; seems you were claiming that a company WAS intentionally choosing to locate in a "RTW" state...specifically because it WAS a "RTW" state.

Lastly, if my "delusion" (and I'm not sure how you determined that was *MY* "delusion", given that I never claimed ownership of it...but since when has a guy like "crowbar" ever been concerned with something of such minor concern as the truth!) that "Companies would move their operations just to save their members the Union dues is laughable", then what's your problem? If it's so "laughable" - and not an issue - then why are guys like you so against "RTW"? After all, if "RTW" status is NOT a determining factor, if it truly IS "laughable", then what do guys like you have to be afraid of? Why are you expending so much time and effort on a situation that is "laughable"? See a contradiction there?

Sorry, but if there's any "stomping" going on, it seems to me that it's being performed by guys like you who are quite willing to "stomp" all over the prerogatives of a democratically elected majority...while at the same time "stomping" on the rights of workers to choose their OWN course of action. But, as witnessed by your posts here on B.C, *YOU* aren't the type of person who would want to do such "stomping", right? N.o.o.o....not an "intelligent", "honest" individual like "crowbar" who's so concerned about the interests of OTHERS! [smile] No way, no how!

In the end, I guess guys like you can prove the democratically elected majority of states like Indiana wrong. You can take *YOUR* plants, *YOUR* places of employment, the jobs *YOU* have to offer to states that are decidedly NON-"RTW". That'll show 'em, 'eh?

Think there's a good chance of that happening, do ya'? Personally, I won't be holding my breath.

iowa boy

Well-Known Member

My apologies for doing this, but your Hmmmmmmmmmmmm's and a certain poster in this thread kinda fit into the lyrics of this song:


Hopefully you can see and appreciate what I am doing.