The UPS Driver's Air Creed


On my way out to deliver EAMs, I noticed a stack of papers near Orion check-in titled "The Driver's Creed." On it was a list of Golden Rules related to airs that included small morsels of advice such as."

"I will always set-up my air stops before I leave the building" and
"I will never miss a bulk air stop and I will never leave my customers waiting"

It ended with a real winner: "I will ALWAYS remember to put the "S" in UPS- SERVICE."

At the bottom was a blank for your signature and date. My preload sup asked if I was going to sign it. I replied "not until they come up with an EAM Driver's Creed."

Anyone else encountered one of these in your center? The entire thing was written as if for a pack of preschoolers. Maybe my center just blows at air deliveries.


Retired 22 years
We had a real suck-up brow-noser where I worked. If they wanted us to sign something like that the majority of the guys would sign his name.


Well behaved women rarely make history
For example. It's 7:48 you have to early am stops. You can make both of them on time. One stop has 3 packages and the other stop has one. You deliver the stop that has 3 packages.
Doesn't matter...cuz in all reality it's 7:48 and you're just hitting the road. Everything late.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
For example. It's 7:48 you have to early am stops. You can make both of them on time. One stop has 3 packages and the other stop has one. You deliver the stop that has 3 packages.
If you can make both anyway I don't see what advantage that serves but alright.