

Well-Known Member
Satish Jindel has spent over 30 years in the transportation and logistics industry, making a name for himself as a respected authority in the field. He played a crucial role in the startup and expansion of RPS, now FedEx Ground, where he reported to the President

Take everything this guy says as BS. The engineer of engineers who lives on paper and screens.


Well-Known Member
Satish Jindel has spent over 30 years in the transportation and logistics industry, making a name for himself as a respected authority in the field. He played a crucial role in the startup and expansion of RPS, now FedEx Ground, where he reported to the President

Take everything this guy says as BS. The engineer of engineers who lives on paper and screens.
Perhaps Mr. Jindel needs to be reminded of the fact that this isn't India. This is America and in America we don't have a caste system.


Well-Known Member
He's blowing smoke. Fedex is in turmoil and USPS doesn't have the capacity. This could be the Teamsters last best opportunity to demonstrate it's unity and it's willingness to withstand whatever counter measures UPS might try should you walk.
The key will be to put even greater distance in terms of what you guys get in pay and benefits and what contractors pay making it even tougher for them to find people to take the job for what they offer.

After all Fat Freddy thinks the entire nation is one great big labor orchard loaded with cheap low hanging labor fruit ripe for the picking. And he thinks his contractor coyotes will be able to pick bushels of them with record yields. The bigger the disparity between what you're getting and what contractors can pay the tougher it will be for Raj and Fat Freddy's little scheme to come to fruition.

Perhaps they failed to pay attention to the Federal Reserve report that said that more than 2 million American workers have left the nation's workforce since 2019. Combined with falling birth rates the supply especially the supply of the best help is likely to remain tight for some time to come.

Add the 10k of baby boomers retiring each day, and will be up to 12k per day in 2025. Also the US economy is still growing with a shrinking work force. Let talk about the 1.5 trillion in stock buybacks in 2022, which is up from the 1.2 trillion in 2021. These corporations are destroying this country, pit the working class against each other to deflect any attention on them.


Well-Known Member
Add the 10k of baby boomers retiring each day, and will be up to 12k per day in 2025. Also the US economy is still growing with a shrinking work force. Let talk about the 1.5 trillion in stock buybacks in 2022, which is up from the 1.2 trillion in 2021. These corporations are destroying this country, pit the working class against each other to deflect any attention on them.
The youngest Boomers will be 61 in '25, the oldest 79. You're not only going to have a lot retiring but also a lot dying. And year over year less retiring and more dying.


Well-Known Member
What caste are you from? How about Trump and Smith? I guess your boots had no straps.
If you think that people aren't classified by the money they make and the work they do and where they were educated in the U.S. you are naive. Or don't understand what a caste system is. The caste system in India isn't just the Untouchables and then everyone else. Multiple strata in their society just like here. Main difference is you can move out of your "caste" in the U.S. a good deal easier.


Inordinately Right
Biden, the guy who defeated The Orange Menace. That guy.
Orange menace lol.
Grown men talking like life is a comic book.

You people live your whole life as some sort of weird cosplay. Delusions of a cabal of racists running a secret system to keep blacks down, a Nazi is hiding under all of your beds, and the evil white men are plotting a handmaid's tale style takeover of the government.

So strange.