Tips for trailer loader


Next gen teamster
haha that's honestly what my supervisors do when they help. i think i take too much time trying to make a neat wall. I have to find a balance of quickness and sturdiness for the wall
4 seconds from grab to wall think like a cat if i fits I sits you can always fill blank space in as you go my rule of thumb is 2 feet from end off last wall to front of new one unless you're getting slammed with oversizes save bags and smalls for back fill and tops of walls

john chesney

Well-Known Member
haha that's honestly what my supervisors do when they help. i think i take too much time trying to make a neat wall. I have to find a balance of quickness and sturdiness for the wall
This is not a job for a perfectionist.We had a guy back in the day when we delivered using paper and was a writing perfectionist and damn near lost his job it took him so long


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Hitting a bump or pot hole and clipboard flew out the door !!
Having three going at once for all the areas then lose one on the shelf buried in Pkgs


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
i just started at UPS three days ago. First day they put me on unloading (trailers and trucks) but since then they’ve put me on loading trailers.

My “training” consisted of someone in the trailer with me either scanning and handing off packages to me, or the other way around. So, my question is do you guys have any tips for building sturdy walls quickly? I got overwhelmed a bit yesterday as I got a lot of big, heavy packages at one time but I hadn’t built my wall up high enough to start a new shelf so I got backed up a bit. Any tips for when that happens?

Most physically demanding job at ups.