TonyQ's True Intentions

Why do you think TonyQ is selling this contract so hard ?

  • He , himself , is THE Dennis Taylor and thinks this is a good contract.

    Votes: 11 19.0%
  • She is on the negotiating team and wants extended talks somewhere tropical.

    Votes: 5 8.6%
  • She receives a huge bonus if contract goes through on first ballot.

    Votes: 17 29.3%
  • He's really just some troll living in his moms basement.

    Votes: 25 43.1%

  • Total voters


I'm a star
I responded to you talking about your compensation, here let me help you out.

How much do you want that will get you exited?

I also have issues with other areas of the contract, and said that.

Here's what I'm going to do for you, I'll admit that maybe I should be happier about the raises. I explained why I am not, and if you put yourself in my shoes, you might agree. Instead you think I'm bitter, and I have no problem owning that. We both agree that other parts of the contract need work. Boom! Common ground achieved.


Light 'em up!
I didn't say that, so, maybe it's you who is crazy?

Sorry, misread your post. My point was that we are more like $100K, not the median of $86K. That is something to get at least mildly exited about. And your source was for an over the road truck driving job not home very often, some with little benefits.

Look up local drivers, more what we do. Home everyday or night. We are almost double what the median is.

Same for package delivery drivers. So, yes, I think $40/hr is something to get exited about.


Light 'em up!
Here's what I'm going to do for you, I'll admit that maybe I should be happier about the raises. I explained why I am not, and if you put yourself in my shoes, you might agree. Instead you think I'm bitter, and I have no problem owning that. We both agree that other parts of the contract need work. Boom! Common ground achieved.

We both agree that you got screwed and that you have a right to be bitter. But that is water under the bridge.

I was hired under the 82 contract, with two tier wages. I was making over $4/hr less than the guy next to me loading trucks doing the exact same job. And I would forever be that $4/hr less, until the two tier was finally eliminated.

So I know where you are coming from.

But, you are at top rate now. Let the past be the past and get a little exited about $40/hr. I am.

And demanding answers from the top brass will get you nowhere. Demand them from your local.

Your local has a much better chance of getting answers from the Marble Palace than you do.

Hold your local leaders liable.


Inordinately Right
Sorry, misread your post. My point was that we are more like $100K, not the median of $86K. That is something to get at least mildly exited about. And your source was for an over the road truck driving job not home very often, some with little benefits.

Look up local drivers, more what we do. Home everyday or night. We are almost double what the median is.

Same for package delivery drivers. So, yes, I think $40/hr is something to get exited about.
$40 dollars 5 years from now is not anything to get excited about when you're making $36+ now. There's this little thing called inflation, not sure if you've heard of it.

Look, it's besides the point anyways. The pay is fine, that's not even what this is about.

The entire 22.4 language needs to be eliminated. The ridiculous subcontracting language needs to be fixed, feeder and surepost both. Those two things would probably change me to a yes vote.


I'm a star
We both agree that you got screwed and that you have a right to be bitter. But that is water under the bridge.

I was hired under the 82 contract, with two tier wages. I was making over $4/hr less than the guy next to me loading trucks doing the exact same job. And I would forever be that $4/hr less, until the two tier was finally eliminated.

So I know where you are coming from.

But, you are at top rate now. Let the past be the past and get a little exited about $40/hr. I am.

And demanding answers from the top brass will get you nowhere. Demand them from your local.

Your local has a much better chance of getting answers from the Marble Palace than you do.

Hold your local leaders liable.

Really, I'm just trying to get answers from the people on here who are pushing a yes vote as to why. Maybe they just really trust the process, and maybe I need to accept that I'm not going to get a better answer than that.


Light 'em up!
Really, I'm just trying to get answers from the people on here who are pushing a yes vote as to why. Maybe they just really trust the process, and maybe I need to accept that I'm not going to get a better answer than that.

I believe they are pushing the yes vote because they got their obligatory inflation beating raise, improved pension, kept their healthcare. and improved slightly in other areas.

They don't care about the rest.


Well-Known Member
I am okay with whatever you think about me. I have offered a lot of substance, but you as a typical member it is never enough.

I think you have added "SOME" substance, but can't agree with you on adding "a lot of substance". Much of what I have read from you has been "wait and see" "you will vote yes after you see it", etc.

Then the big turn around "Vote No"... "burn it down" mentality.

Then the "it's never enough" crap. If you find your interjections of these type of comments constructive and substantive, then you sir need to do some introspective work.

Just saying.


I'm a star
I think you have added "SOME" substance, but can't agree with you on adding "a lot of substance". Much of what I have read from you has been "wait and see" "you will vote yes after you see it", etc.

Then the big turn around "Vote No"... "burn it down" mentality.

Then the "it's never enough" crap. If you find your interjections of these type of comments constructive and substantive, then you sir need to do some introspective work.

Just saying.

Could not have said it better, could not agree more.


Well-Known Member
How dare any person say the r word to describe someone how insensitive I hope he isn't elected or appointed to any authority position. The correct term is special needs he should be banned from this site and any negotiations or authority. I'm not perfect but I don't hold any appointed or elected position or don't claim to be negotiating anything. Goodbye tony Quote your name is mud. Anyone who uses those words can't be educated enough to negotiate his way out of a paper bag.

Ancient Alien

UPS Vacation
How dare any person say the r word to describe someone how insensitive I hope he isn't elected or appointed to any authority position. The correct term is special needs he should be banned from this site and any negotiations or authority. I'm not perfect but I don't hold any appointed or elected position or don't claim to be negotiating anything. Goodbye tony Quote your name is mud. Anyone who uses those words can't be educated enough to negotiate his way out of a paper bag.
Nobody is perfect.

TonyQ stays! He's one voice against a gang of unreason.

(I wondered weeks back on how long before the 'No' wolves would try to get him banned on here)

No wonder why Trump kicks butt. You get a majority of folks to turn on other individuals against your beliefs and you can win the battle in large numbers attacking the singular pockets of sheep.

Use the 'Ignore'/Block feature this site provides instead of getting all the 'Yes' voters placed in Mod Que or Banned. It's you that is actually what's wrong with Internet forums, not Tony Q imo.
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Frankie's Friend

If you use a . every time you end a sentence or thought I won't get the feeling I'm at an auction and will be able to follow your statements.
Just sayin...


Well-Known Member
Its this way this guy tells someone so he is aware. He like to put @ like a snitch I obviously don't care put @ everyone. @jkloc our resident pot head