trump 2016


Well-Known Member
the extremists are the ones in power.

the reason there are so many terrorists who want revenge on america is because america blows up the world; which btw is a terrorist act. the american government has more money, more weapons, and commits acts of terrorism more frequently than any of these little groups weve been told to be afraid of.

so if you want to be safe, or make your country a better place, you need only look in the mirror.

I cant wait that long and I did not create those conditions. I am tired of the argument that my familys safety should be sacrificed because of the failed policies of the past. I need a leader who will make this country safe right now. Hillary will follow Obama's lead and let those nuts in.


I cant wait that long and I did not create those conditions. I am tired of the argument that my familys safety should be sacrificed because of the failed policies of the past. I need a leader who will make this country safe right now. Hillary will follow Obama's lead and let those nuts in.
btw you should get a variety of perspectives and then triangulate your opinion. those guys are not liberal extremists they have alot of conservative values.

is trump not planning on blowing up other countries...

what about economic safety. who is going to stop the falling wages of american workers, or the unstable speculation economy.

people in high places might not save you. average joes will have to work together to save themselves.


Well-Known Member
btw you should get a variety of perspectives and then triangulate your opinion. those guys are not liberal extremists they have alot of conservative values.

you may want to recheck and reassess.

is trump not planning on blowing up other countries...

planning on blowing up ISIS . I'm fine with that . get them before they get us.

what about economic safety. who is going to stop the falling wages of american workers, or the unstable speculation economy.

Fresh story on that ran today on the libeal press. 61 percent of our wage earners were middle class 40 years ago and 14 percent were upper class.
today 50 percent are middle class and 21 percent are upper class. any way you shake it 7 of the 11 percent less middle class are now upper class. that should be a success story yet the liberal media spun the story as one of a declining middle class. Some ones math is screwed up and its not mine.
to your point who better then someone who has successfully managed billions of dollars to grow this economy. Hillary has lived off the government check her whole life and does not know anything about growing an economy.

people in high places might not save you. average joes will have to work together to save themselves.

I don't need a government to save me , I need a government to get out of my way , stop tying my hands and stop taking my hard earned money.


Well-Known Member
the extremists are the ones in power.

the reason there are so many terrorists who want revenge on america is because america blows up the world; which btw is a terrorist act. the american government has more money, more weapons, and commits acts of terrorism more frequently than any of these little groups weve been told to be afraid of.

so if you want to be safe, or make your country a better place, you need only look in the mirror.
Good thing that ideology is only going to last, what ... eleven more months.


Strength through joy
Did you hear the story about Jimmy Carter , who for decades has been bashing the jews ?
Seems the new miracle drug that is killing off his cancer was made by jews .


Strength through joy
How come we consider our elected officials to be the smartest people to govern & guide us , yet they continue to screw up everything ?
This has been going on for decades , maybe a REAL change is needed .


nowhere special

This law was written in 1952. It was passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress, House and Senate, and signed by a Democrat president.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You don't see a difference between a religion and a country?
Islam is not just a religion.

It is a political play book on how to run the government and every aspect of your personal life.

And since so many Islamists seem to be wanting to kill Americans, I say ban them from entering our country.

After all, they need us more than we need them.