Trump's Economy


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Who cares about your personal experiences?

If you post hey I’m doing great in the stock market or whatever great for you.

But when you post that to support the claim that the national economy under Trump is performing at a certain level, you are just being silly.

Then you get defensive and say you are only focused on you. Fine then stop making claims about the broader US economy based if you are only focused on you. That’s foolishness.
trump is grqbbing you by the pusillanimous

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
from Obama??? I got a whole lot of nothin'!

"By contrast, in the decade from 2001 to 2010, average annual growth in real GDP was only 1.67 percent, and, so far, in the 21st century (from 2001 through 2012), average annual growth in real GDP has been only 1.775 percent."
1%: Average Annual Economic Growth Under Obama
Um, Obama took over in 2009, not sure why you think a metric from 2001-2010 is an accurate representation of his policies.


Well-Known Member
from Obama??? I got a whole lot of nothin'!

"By contrast, in the decade from 2001 to 2010, average annual growth in real GDP was only 1.67 percent, and, so far, in the 21st century (from 2001 through 2012), average annual growth in real GDP has been only 1.775 percent."
1%: Average Annual Economic Growth Under Obama

How long do you think President Obama was president?

You do realize that GWBush was President for 8 of those years?

You also realize that under GWBush was the greatest economic downturn since the depression? And that huge recession skews the growth numbers from at least 2008-2010?

So what’s your overall point?


golden ticket member
How long do you think President Obama was president?

You do realize that GWBush was President for 8 of those years?

You also realize that under GWBush was the greatest economic downturn since the depression? And that huge recession skews the growth numbers from at least 2008-2010?

So what’s your overall point?
and Obama was the following 8 years! Trump is not Bush or Obama.........whoever is responsible came before Trump. Trump has improved the economy.......check out the GDP.


golden ticket member
No it doesn’t. He was not president for any part of 2008. He wasn’t sworn in office until January 21st 2009.
I thought you were the one who said "dates don't matter"......except when you need them too. To make it clear enough for you to get.....when Obama was sworn in and for the following 8 years, our economy sucked!!


golden ticket member
Net job growth has declined under Obama. By the end of the second year of their terms as president, economic growth under Reagan averaged 7.1% , under Obama an anemic 2.8% .


golden ticket member

Related: Best Presidents for GDP growth
Source: BEA
Data: Excel

The green line represents the GDP growth during the presidency of President Obama. The orange line reflects the average rate of GDP growth since 1953.

GDP growth has been below-average during Obama's presidency.