tonyexpress said:
Mr. Ihateups,
Were you hit on the head as a child? Perhaps counseling would be a direction to consider.
Even by your name how can anyone take you seriously????
It seems that folks either love UPS or hate it. There are guys on here that think UPS can do no wrong. Others think it can do no right. I think it is somewhere in the middle. Since going public, maybe the middle has moved a little more towards the wrong.
I have met few people in my 9 years who didn't start at UPS right out of high school, or out of college. Most of us know nothing else. It is kinda like a 40 year old woman with no kids trying to tell a 25 year old with triplets how to pottytrain them. Yeah, she has the right to her opinion, but it is based on limited knowledge.
Most of you company-line guys probably don't know any better because you haven't worked anywhere else. If you did, you probably had crappy jobs before UPS. You cannot compare that to now. The proper comparison is a management job at UPS vs. a management job at another company -- a technician job at ups..., a driver job at UPS vs...., etc.
UPS is a great place, but it has few great jobs. The prestige of UPS is great, the benefits are great, the pay is great, but, hell, this is not all there is to your working life.
What so many people continue to argue, and what so many others clearly miss, is that while UPS is great, most UPS jobs are not.
As far as a union in TSG, I don't know how it would all work out. It just might be worse, but neither you or I can know this. However, I can tell you that if you think TSG is currently based on personal achievement, you really know nothing about the department. It is really based on a union-like model.
Here is the real deal; technicians are all paid about the same. The best guy maybe makes 50 cent more than the worst. A new guy gets big raises in his first two years (it is called "progression"). This get his wages up very quickly to what the senior folks make. When it comes to technicians getting higher education or certification, the company doesn't recognize it any different than if he cleaned a storage room really spiffy -- seriously, it makes no difference. It is sometimes seen as a threat, knowledge is power.
Technicians are encouraged to seek a management promotion if advancement is their goal. You see, there are only two grades for technicians -- tech 1 (grade 10) and senior tech (grade 11). Some people never get senior tech, others with little or no skill get it quick. While there are guidelines to follow for this promotion, it is never based on ability. It is based on popularity, usually. To be honest, it is based on basic ability, not exceptional. Most exceptional technicians are far too smart and analytical and are seen as problems for management. They question things that don't appear logical, and when their questions are met with stonewalling or simple logic, they lose faith.
The quick fix on this board is to tell those who question things to quit. Anyone who feels uneasy about a policy or seeks clarification are considered unpatriotic. You can love Brown and question policy. You can love your country and question your government. damn, there is nothing un-UPS or un-American about this.
Look, I am not trying to put anybody's view down completely, I just think certain people on this board think they know far more than they really understand. I have a couple of division manager friends who tell me things about their job that completely floors me everytime. I just didn't know what they really did or what they go through.
I freely admit to not knowing everything about delivery, about the carwash, about feeders, about flying our jets, about selling to customers. I just wish others on this board would own up to not being experts in every area of UPS.
You know what you know, and you guess at what you don't. Please stop guessing. Even UPSers with bad attitudes have truths to tell. And I would bet that every one of them has something decent to say about UPS. Don't dismiss their opinion just because it differs.