Under No Circumstances Can 22.4 Be Allowed To Remain


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
But these are 22.4 "hybrid drivers" who can work as drivers or as inside hub employees....or both.

With this in mind, how can we say they are laid off and bumping in?
This has been my argument the whole time. 22.4 are guaranteed 8 hours with no more than 1.5 hour break I believe.

They need to double shift to get their 8…

Uhhh that’s a lot more than 1.5 hour break…

They’re laid off….

How can you be laid off from a combo job and be told to perform parts of the combo job?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
I believe we are using article 3 section 6 of the central language that says they are “full-time” seniority laid off employees. They are not acting as 22.4 drivers at that time. Because they are not doing combo work. And really never do.