Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Sammy the Bull "Bull **** Artist" is now also up in the Manhattan North building!!!! All his is doing is crying like a baby that he has Manhattan North, Island City and 43rd Street.. He cannot handle Island City, The division manager there is smacking him around....Now the Big guy is giving him another building... How many building is Sammy going to ****-up? Heaven help us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sad-very:


Well-Known Member
74 people were at the meeting but whos counting but still a pretty sad showing from our members up north ,I live in Queens far ride for me but i made it, but to me the best part of the meeting was when the guy in the back called Row A a bunch of thieves and that they should be arrested for what they did to our medical and BILL B and Angelo never even turned around LOL they just sat there and said nothing didn't even move LOL our so called future president pretty sad ..and lets not forget the guy near Angelo that got up and said why didnt the board let the medical go to arbitration and Tim S and Pete put him in his place ,, and he slowly sat back down LOL .. also on a positive note it was good to hear from that steward from Manhattan South on how all of the layed off air drivers are still working ever day because they catch supervisiors working ,, nice to see someone fighting UPS ,, but your right it was sad that changes to our by'laws are happening and no one was there :dissapointed:


Well-Known Member
Its just amazing how this new E. Board just does not come around.....The members are saying they must be "Ghosts" because they say they are around but you dont see them...And when you think you see them They scare the **** out of you because you dont know what they are going to do next!!!!!!!!

In one thread last week you say they are ghosts, now in a thread this week you say this guy is playing a race card in one building another guy is crying in another building, either gets your facts in order or stfu.


Well-Known Member
The big guy was in Foster Ave looking like Hillbilly Jim. A bunch of members asked him where Mark Holmes was and he said that he does not know and when he finds out he will let them know....This is another example of the New E-Board 24-7... They are still waiting for a reply...


Well-Known Member
Rumor has it that they are getting rid of Magna Care. they are going to a lower plan, Very close to a Welfare Plan.."Lets not forget the medical was raised....Why did they have the need to change??????"


Well-Known Member
Starting November 1 2010 Local 804 is dropping Magna Care going total with Blue Cross Blue Shield alot better ,only going to need 1 card for both and they have more doctors. That 1 card can now be used in any state across america , Blue Cross is every where , so now when you go to the hospital no more getting a different bill because some part of the hospital that wasn't the emergency room didn't take Magna Care. Still waiting for you to comment on how row A is hurting your family ,, and again I'm sorry that BA spot row A promised you will never come true :)


Well-Known Member
The big guy and crew are now going around giving out OJS books, telling driver that when they ride you, you have to write down everything...Here is another example on how this
E-Board is wasting all the memberships money...:greedy:


Well-Known Member
A little background about the big guy T.S., the Zamboni King, when he was the shop steward and driver in Island City, he was famous for comming to work making a deal and going home...Also bringing the division manager donuts every morning...What is this membership coming to when they elect a deal maker for President? (Let's not forget the rat Steve the wizard of Auz who was elected Business Agent)


Well-Known Member
Just got the call from Foster Ave, Pete the Cigar #3 man, was finally down there with his son Dave O aka Clueless to fight Dave's battles, but instead of fighting his battles he was giving Management cigars...Between the both of them they couldn't fight there way out of a paper bag, never mind helping the membership!!!! WE ARE IN DEEP TROUBLE!!!!!!:sad-very:


Well-Known Member
Sammy the Bull "Bull **** Artist" was in Island City this week, doing nothing as usual......Usual business was going on like Supervisors were working all over the place, :angry: meanwhile Sammy was joking and laughing with the division managers....Meanwhile the members were crying for help!!!!!! IS THIS WHAT THE BIG GUY MEANS ABOUT STOPPING SUPERVISORS FROM WORKING??????:biting:


Well-Known Member
This new E-board is the biggest joke ever!!!!!! Again this is the gang that couldn't shoot straight......R. Carey must be laughing his ass off....saying omg they are ****ing up like crazy!!!!:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Word came in from the Nassau Building, that the whole Feeder Department is fed up with Cigar Pete the V.P.!!
Whenever you ask him a question, he does not know the answer....He shows up he only stays for 20 minutes, and leaves....When you need to put a grievance in he says you don't have a grievance, Cigar Pete is for the company more then the membership!!!! THEY ARE SICK OF HIM:sick:


Well-Known Member
Word came in from the Nassau Building, that the whole Feeder Department is fed up with Cigar Pete the V.P.!!
Whenever you ask him a question, he does not know the answer....He shows up he only stays for 20 minutes, and leaves....When you need to put a grievance in he says you don't have a grievance, Cigar Pete is for the company more then the membership!!!! THEY ARE SICK OF HIM:sick:

Were you that impressed by what you had written the first time?


Well-Known Member
cluelesswolf , the $200 co pay is to stop people like you going to the hospital with the runs or a skin rash. Saves OUR plan alot of money.You get the $200 back ,, the hospital was charging the union $1800 for the runs ,, I guess you havent seen what is covered at the hospital?? no because you talk out your @ss and dont get any facts. Tell me wolf you ever vote for Hoffa??? 85% of our local didnt ,, Howie did ,, but if i was howie and getting paid an extra $25,000 from the international i would to... He sold you and your family down the river.but you never talk about that do you. You have ever right to complain about the new E board all you want and maybe your right about the BA's being bad ,, but lets not forget some of the old BA's Steve M all the feeder drivers hated him , besides he was put on the E board by Bill B boy so that he knew at least 1 guy would always kiss his @aa ,,, Pat D what a cry baby thank god he had very good stewards ,, Bill L LOL no need to go there,,and the white hair guy ,, Nemtith?? not sure of his name but talk about clueless ,, and lets not forget my guy Tony D if he didnt like you he sold u up the river in a minute ,,he was good when he first got in but after he drank the koolaid he went south. Our BA's will get better with time but most of the stewards wont help then , they dont want to fight UPS they rather roll over just like most of the stewards in 43rd st do very sad ....but hey i only have 2 years left REMEMBER LONEWOLF JUST BECAUSE WORDS ARE COMING OUT OF YOUR MOUTH DOESNT MEAN YOUR SAYING ANYTHING.. has Angelo counted the chads yet LOL