UPS Air Hub Move - From Louisville to Memphis?


I started this.
Staff member
Cheryl, I noticed you edited my post. My posts contain just a fraction of what you allow 407 to dish out. But somehow, you never seem to see anything wrong with his posts. And he can't seem to stop dishing out personal attacts. Just look at the above posts.
99% of the time the only posts that I read have been reported as offensive or posts that are made by members that are already in the moderation queue. If you see a post that you find offensive then report it so the mods can review it.

I've already deleted a whole bunch of posts containing derogatory personal remarks from this thread. If I missed any please report them.

Discussion can be animated, which is fine, but we do not welcome personal attacks, on- or off-board. Derogatory, insulting, or belittling statements, directed at other members as well as direct or indirect personal attacks are not permitted on our forum.

It is fine to disagree with a different viewpoint, but please limit this to challenging the idea and not make your comments a personal challenge or make derogatory personal comments about individuals or their choices or circumstances, which disparage their ideas, opinions, their occupation or their personal situation. These examples are not exhaustive. Insulting or disparaging another member is a personal attack regardless of the manner in which it is done. These offensive comments are contrary to the spirit of legitimate, reasoned debate and damaging to the purpose of our community.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
99% of the time the only posts that I read have been reported as offensive or posts that are made by members that are already in the moderation queue. If you see a post that you find offensive then report it so the mods can review it.

I've already deleted a whole bunch of posts containing derogatory personal remarks from this thread. If I missed any please report them.

Discussion can be animated, which is fine, but we do not welcome personal attacks, on- or off-board. Derogatory, insulting, or belittling statements, directed at other members as well as direct or indirect personal attacks are not permitted on our forum.

It is fine to disagree with a different viewpoint, but please limit this to challenging the idea and not make your comments a personal challenge or make derogatory personal comments about individuals or their choices or circumstances, which disparage their ideas, opinions, their occupation or their personal situation. These examples are not exhaustive. Insulting or disparaging another member is a personal attack regardless of the manner in which it is done. These offensive comments are contrary to the spirit of legitimate, reasoned debate and damaging to the purpose of our community.

Like I said, and demonstrated with my last post-I have not done a fraction of the personal attacks that 407 has done. I have seen no hint at any editing of his posts on here. And as for being in queue, like I demonstrated on the last post, I don't do a fraction of the person insults that 407 brings to the BC, and I am in queue and he is free to insult without fear of editing or being put in queue.


I started this.
Staff member
Like I said, and demonstrated with my last post-I have not done a fraction of the personal attacks that 407 has done. I have seen no hint at any editing of his posts on here. And as for being in queue, like I demonstrated on the last post, I don't do a fraction of the person insults that 407 brings to the BC, and I am in queue and he is free to insult without fear of editing or being put in queue.
Oooopsie, all those big bold accusations about this site being biased. Guess what? Some of us have been here for 14 years. You have no idea what you're talking about.

407, at this point I'm putting you in the mod queue. This is a total waste of bandwidth.

Can we please now let the thread get back on topic?

View Profile: anonymous - Brown Cafe - UPS info for UPSers

Be respectful of one another and debate the issues without the ad hominem attacks and we will all get along fine. I honestly couldn't care less what your agenda or opinion is. My only intention is to maintain a fair and reasonable forum and facilitate legitimate, reasoned debate about the issues raised. Act snarky by posting personal attacks instead of discussing the issues then another member will most likely report your posts and you will have mod problems. That's how you wind up in the mod queue.

Just use common courtesy, common sense. Discuss the issues, don't insult people that disagree with you.


Well-Known Member
I mean seriously? We are truck drivers. I get the whole respect thing. But we are modern day sailors. We have potty mouths. Sometimes respect can be shown by giving a verbal friend bomb. Stop whining. I hate a man that whines.


My Senior Picture
The "social media conversations" I had were with Local 89 members on the "Vote NO on the UPS Contract" Facebook group.

If you think those plans (existing company plan and the enhanced TeamCare package) aren't comparable*, you're beyond hope. I posted the NALC benefits package to demonstrate what the general public views as "gold plated, overpaid lazy federal employee" benefits. TeamCare is likely the best private-sector insurance available to workers, period.

<a rel="nofollow" onmousedown="spk(this,{lk:'nx1fkx',en:'wotdau',io:'0',b:'wotd',tp:'lrl',m:'wotdau'})" href=""></a><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a> [kom-per-uh-buhl or, sometimes, kuhm-pair-]

adjective 1.capable of being compared; having features in common with something else to permit or suggest comparison: He considered the Roman and British empires to be comparable.

2.worthy of comparison: shops comparable to those on Fifth Avenue.

3.usable for comparison; similar: We have no comparable data on Russian farming.

I'm not interested in comparing plans with other private sector companies unless they are unionized and recording record profits consistently.
It feels to me that the Evil Empire just recruited Anikan Skywalker to their side.
Maybe we wouldn't be in this situation if 407Troll, Stink and others had originally recommended a NO vote on the national contract to begin with.
This says it all. If I would have recommended a No Vote you wouldn't have personally attacked me first and we would be ok on this forum. How can I reason with someone who would believe this?? It's comical. I shouldn't call you skippy or boy or son or buck tooth but with reason like yours how can I not?
Like I said, and demonstrated with my last post-I have not done a fraction of the personal attacks that 407 has done. I have seen no hint at any editing of his posts on here. And as for being in queue, like I demonstrated on the last post, I don't do a fraction of the person insults that 407 brings to the BC, and I am in queue and he is free to insult without fear of editing or being put in queue.
If you don't like Cheryl's and Tonys great site you should start your own. This is there site not yours. Cheryl's come down on me plenty but you haven't been around long enough to know it.


Well-Known Member
It feels to me that the Evil Empire just recruited Anikan Skywalker to their side. Maybe we wouldn't be in this situation if 407Troll, Stink and others had originally recommended a NO vote on the national contract to begin with.
I respect that you try really hard. But you may be better off speaking about things that you understand, like your Twilight vampire books. Go team Jacob!