UPS Harassment

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
No idea but the searching is part of the fun. Like a scavenger hunt.


Well-Known Member
I'm being harassed at the Smart Hub by a fellow co worker in my Dept daily since 2/22 Friday after reporting to my full time Sup that a co worker was under the influence of alcohol. He didnt attempt to resolve the issue, so I made a report to the on-site security team & the Fulton County Sheriff that's also in our facility, spoken with my Teamsters Union Rep 4 times and 2/26 I contacted a law firm in Atlanta Georgia that specializes in work place harassment. Grievance filed, Sup resolution? Write up for me for 2 days of car trouble , that I missed work stuck at 4am on the road. I have all documented car tow bills and text messages to my part time Sup. Retaliation . I can't work in a hostile work environment created by my Sup by putting the harasser back iny Dept to further harass me. I love my job, but can't deal with the defamation, disrespect or harassment. Any advice?

Get a good lawyer and dominate them


Well-Known Member
You know what I did when my pt co-workers would drink those alcoholic energy drinks (4 loko, Sparks) while loading? I shut up and said nothing and minded my own business. I'm happy here.

I believe no one cares about a girl who had a shot before coming to work. Everyone probably wants you to shut up and go away.