ups rising hiding all comments on their Facebook page? Vote no!


Active Member
The mere act of hiding comments is, in of itself, an admission of collusion between Hoffa and The Company.

Hoffa and all the other negotiating scumbags are walking out with sweet payments (under the table of course) for pushing this drivel through.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
I just want to know WHY he thinks it's good.. Lol.

Maybe they paid some credit cards of his off or something. Maybe replaced his '87 Corolla with a brand new one.
Deep down he doesn’t. He’s told to pitch it and there will be a spot on the National someday. The IBT won’t even recognize that while we are fighting for the unborn (22.4s) they are ignoring the fact the abuse is just being transferred from the kings of delivery to the newly created jesters. I swear they thought they were catering to the drivers to once again get this passes. No way in hell this passes.

Time for change

Well-Known Member
If this contract is passed as is, I and thousands of other part timers will leave this corrupt union that doesn’t represent us. When we have a union that is not corrupt and represents us I will happily pay my dues again. Earn our vote and earn our dues.


Well-Known Member
If this contract is passed as is, I and thousands of other part timers will leave this corrupt union that doesn’t represent us. When we have a union that is not corrupt and represents us I will happily pay my dues again. Earn our vote and earn our dues.
Why would you want to opt out of the union? I understand the frustration and I agree 100% the tentative agreement is garbage. But opting out of the union is what UPS wants. How about voting these clowns out of office?

Ghost in the Darkness

Well-Known Member
Teamsters definitely has its issues, it needs reform and some better checks and balances. That being said as bad as it is trying to babysit these people we pay our dues to, imagine dealing with ups individually and what a nightmare that would be.

Send the message and show the union we are pissed off... VOTE NO!!!