cameras in the shower stall?........nothing illegal about that!
Since when do drivers take showers on the clock?
Perhaps I'm missing something.
Dr Trickpony...Allow me to relay an incident that happened when I was the Center Manager at a remote 40 driver Center with 5 Feeder Drivers. One Saturday morning I went in to the Center to catch up on some paperwork. It was after 9 am and I knew the last Feeder driver (Maspeth) should have returned to the Center.
When I walked into the Center I noticed that the Feeder driver's time card was laying on the turnin counter in front of the time clock. Examing his time card I noticed that he hadn't punched return to building yet his tractor was parked inside the Center. I heard noise comming from the locker room and went to inspect. What do you think I found? Yep, you gussed it. The Feeder driver comming out of the shower.
Needless to say, that was his last day working for UPS. I fired him immediately, he filed a grivence, it went to Pannel, and the discharge was upheld.
So yes Dr Trickpony, as usual you are missing something.