The "None of the Above" on every ballot is a great idea and I've always been for it. Some say voting 3rd party is like voting "none of the above" and I'd say that has a valid point because the odds of a 3rd party winning in any major election is at best a longshot. I say longshot because Ventura did it in Minn. as governor and his very frank and "say it like it is" approach was a welcome breathe of fresh air. As much as we can more and more of that needs to be encouraged IMO.
What we each do on election day is up to us but I will say this, continuing to vote for the 2 major parties will not bring about any meaningful change for the good. When more and more people atart voting 3rd party, no matter who that is and the 2 major parties see their win numbers shrink further and further under the 50% mark, then the worry sign will go off and a possible change may occur. When a President is elected with 35% of the vote, then you'll see both major parties and the elective forces in American politics go beserk and like in Georgia when the Libertarian candidate for US Senator stripped enough votes to force a runoff between the democrat and the republican, then all hell broke lose with both parties running mad dash to convine the legislature to change the elective law. The hoped for 3rd party restricitions were defeated but they passed law so that the top vote getter wins outright instead of it having to be a pure majority.
There are options and alternatives out there if you choose to seek them out and take them. You won't be in position on the Wednesday after an election to pound your chest that you voted for the winner but IMO you've done a greater patriotic duty for the country itself.
Double Standard,
Forget the Canada/US combination. I'd had to think we had a part in really screwing up Canada.
Never been to your beautiful country but hope to some day and another thing. We'd take our aweful national anthem and replace your beautiful and wonderful national anthem with ours. What a tragedy! Oh Canada is just a beautiful and inspiring anthem IMO.