Vaccine mandate


Retired 23 years
There were quite a few Friday mornings where the whole center including management could have been sent home -----

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member

What's your Local # and the building name ?

It really wouldn't be that hard for myself and @Bubblehead to take a tour, with your BA.

I made the same offer to @UpstateNYUPSer(Ret)....

He asked me to bring donuts from a local (bakery ?) store.
Do you think years of bullying and abuse will just be forgiven and forgotten? I wouldn't share my urine with you.

Now, I did talk with the new BA and we are to meet and discuss how to go forward. He seems engaged and interested. This has not been the case in the past.

Vast resources.....lolololol.


My Senior Picture
Do you think years of bullying and abuse will just be forgiven and forgotten? I wouldn't share my urine with you.

Now, I did talk with the new BA and we are to meet and discuss how to go forward. He seems engaged and interested. This has not been the case in the past.

Vast resources.....lolololol.
Maybe you can take him for a ride in your airplane?


Got the T-Shirt
Do you think years of bullying and abuse will just be forgiven and forgotten?

You've only been on this forum for a little over 2 years.

I wouldn't share my urine with you.

That's a bizarre statement.

Now, I did talk with the new BA and we are to meet and discuss how to go forward. He seems engaged and interested. This has not been the case in the past.

As a new BA, I'm sure (for now) he is just being polite.

Lets see what happens, when you divulge your grand scheme to discipline other drivers, because they

don't live up to your safety expectations.

Still waiting on that Local Union # and the building name....


Well-Known Member

What's your Local # and the building name ?

It really wouldn't be that hard for myself and @Bubblehead to take a tour, with your BA.

I made the same offer to @UpstateNYUPSer(Ret)....

He asked me to bring donuts from a local (bakery ?) store.
542 San Diego.

Come on down guys. Weather is beautiful this time of year. Not a cloud in the sky. ;)


Well-Known Member
You've only been on this forum for a little over 2 years.

That's a bizarre statement.

As a new BA, I'm sure (for now) he is just being polite.

Lets see what happens, when you divulge your grand scheme to discipline other drivers, because they

don't live up to your safety expectations.

Still waiting on that Local Union # and the building name....
A Union member using the term discipline against another union member is the most bizarre thing I’ve ever heard. Perhaps they need more training, but I don’t know why he would say discipline. Maybe he hangs out with supervision too much.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
You've only been on this forum for a little over 2 years.

That's a bizarre statement.

As a new BA, I'm sure (for now) he is just being polite.

Lets see what happens, when you divulge your grand scheme to discipline other drivers, because they

don't live up to your safety expectations.

Still waiting on that Local Union # and the building name....
Never said that. Matter of fact, repeatedly said this is not about disciplinary action but safety discipline.

You guys are either not very bright or just can't seem to comprehend words or meanings. I can't help you there.

You're sure.....ok.

I've been"around" a lot longer than that.....but then you don't know me.

Again, wouldn't share anything with you....your highness.

And how local slates come and go around here.......what does that say? Ideas come and go.....dragging out the same old tired ones that don't work by the same old guard.....perhaps a different approach......gosh...what a concept.

My expectations are not the standard. Staying alive and safe is......for all.....especially the innocent.

Until we can finally flush out(like a dump) the deliberately obstinate...and the obtuse......we will struggle with safety and security. And with that, job security.

Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.
Never said that. Matter of fact, repeatedly said this is not about disciplinary action but safety discipline.

You guys are either not very bright or just can't seem to comprehend words or meanings. I can't help you there.

You're sure.....ok.

I've been"around" a lot longer than that.....but then you don't know me.

Again, wouldn't share anything with you....your highness.

And how local slates come and go around here.......what does that say? Ideas come and go.....dragging out the same old tired ones that don't work by the same old guard.....perhaps a different approach......gosh...what a concept.

My expectations are not the standard. Staying alive and safe is......for all.....especially the innocent.

Until we can finally flush out(like a dump) the deliberately obstinate...and the obtuse......we will struggle with safety and security. And with that, job security.
Agree with everything you said……. Except for the 5th paragraph.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
A Union member using the term discipline against another union member is the most bizarre thing I’ve ever heard. Perhaps they need more training, but I don’t know why he would say discipline. Maybe he hangs out with supervision too much. are thick.

I guess you weren't much of an athlete or anything else.

Say, don't say things that aren't true. It makes you a liar. And not credible. Silly too.


Well-Known Member are thick.

I guess you weren't much of an athlete or anything else.

Say, don't say things that aren't true. It makes you a liar. And not credible. Silly too.
Well I don’t think that’s what I’m saying, I’m saying maybe you could say it different to the people you work with.

Most people that work at UPS aren’t going to get warm and fuzzy feelings from the word “discipline” so while you’re local should probably be able to change for the better maybe you could as well. The only people I hear say the word discipline is management. So you could be right and use the wrong words. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted someone to get terminated and lose their livelihood.