Wacky News


Staff member
Seismologists Tried for Manslaughter for Failure to Predict Quake

Yikes, I foresee scientists abondoning that profession in Italy.


golden ticket member
One family complains about a prayer at graduation.....everybody else , including the graduates, want the tradition. That one kid, in that one family, should hold a private, non prayer ceremony by themselves just the way they want it. I'm sick of the squeaky wheels ruining it for the many.


Well-Known Member
Or, maybe on a similar, zany family note, how bout that family in Toronto that doesn't want to disclose the gender of their 4 month old baby? Even the grandparents don't know.

They say that they don't want to force societies opinions of what they should or should not grow up to be. Going to let the kid decide in time.

OK, I got a real problem with this. ONE: When I was growing up, kids would latch onto ANYTHING that was out of the ordinary with you and never let it go. Yer nose, yer hair, yer sideburns, yer clothes, yer walk, yer house, yer family...ANYTHING they could to raze you and send you into a tearful frenzy.

TWO: I just got a real problem with this.

I picture in about 10-20 years, give or take, we're gonna hear of a parent murder/kid suicide in Toronto.


golden ticket member
Or, maybe on a similar, zany family note, how bout that family in Toronto that doesn't want to disclose the gender of their 4 month old baby? Even the grandparents don't know.

They say that they don't want to force societies opinions of what they should or should not grow up to be. Going to let the kid decide in time.

OK, I got a real problem with this. ONE: When I was growing up, kids would latch onto ANYTHING that was out of the ordinary with you and never let it go. Yer nose, yer hair, yer sideburns, yer clothes, yer walk, yer house, yer family...ANYTHING they could to raze you and send you into a tearful frenzy.

TWO: I just got a real problem with this.

I picture in about 10-20 years, give or take, we're gonna hear of a parent murder/kid suicide in Toronto.

My hubby and I were talking about this story and we both wondered, when the kid goes to school, which bathroom does "it" use?? Idiot parents!


Well-Known Member
My hubby and I were talking about this story and we both wondered, when the kid goes to school, which bathroom does "it" use?? Idiot parents!

If I woulda pulled this in school, at ANY age, I woulda got my ass kicked, royal!!!! I bet I woulda figgered out real quick which clothes to wear after that!


Well-Known Member
To go along with what race was saying, what about some of the names parents are choosing for their kids? I'm not talking about the way Frank Zappa named his kids--I am talking about normal people. Whatever happened to simple names, like Megan and David?


To go along with what race was saying, what about some of the names parents are choosing for their kids? I'm not talking about the way Frank Zappa named his kids--I am talking about normal people. Whatever happened to simple names, like Megan and David?
I know I'm taking this out of context but you nailed it. :happy-very:


golden ticket member
GREAT PRANK............

Considering all the brilliant, devious minds we had in high school, I don't know how we missed this one.

At a high school in Montana, a group of students played a prank. They let three goats loose inside the school.

But before turning them loose, they painted numbers on the sides of the goats: 1, 2, and 4.

School Administrators spent most of the day looking for No. 3



GREAT PRANK............

Considering all the brilliant, devious minds we had in high school, I don't know how we missed this one.

At a high school in Montana, a group of students played a prank. They let three goats loose inside the school.

But before turning them loose, they painted numbers on the sides of the goats: 1, 2, and 4.

School Administrators spent most of the day looking for No. 3

OMG!!! that's freaking hilarious. :rofl::rofl::rofl: