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Question for recent or any retirees from WCT/Western Conference pension.I retired from 542 San Diego as a cartage driver.My question is,how long after you sent in your election packet/forms did you receive your pension check?
Cartage Driver????? Not a term used here on the West Coast I have seen anyone use?
Who did you drive for?
noYou probably just haven't heard it before. They don't work out of the same buildings as us but do work under the same NMA and have their own Supplmental.
Question for recent or any retirees from WCT/Western Conference pension.I retired from 542 San Diego as a cartage driver. My question is,how long after you sent in your election packet/forms did you receive your pension check?
So- you left the building? Enjoy your freedom...I was set to retire 6/30/18, but circumstances kept pushing that back. Was again set to go 2/28/19, but left on 1/25/19 after a worker's comp mediation where UPS paid me $30,000 to go away. February 1st became my first pension day, but because we had moved it up a month I didn't get that check until 2/26. March 1st I got the next one, so things are good.
I was set to retire 6/30/18, but circumstances kept pushing that back. Was again set to go 2/28/19, but left on 1/25/19 after a worker's comp mediation where UPS paid me $30,000 to go away. February 1st became my first pension day, but because we had moved it up a month I didn't get that check until 2/26. March 1st I got the next one, so things are good.
I was 2 years in the hub, 8 years packages and 30 years feeder. In packages quitting was a constant thought, stayed for the money, and sometimes to be a pain to the supervisors that were turning the screws. Feeder was like a vacation after packages, could work 10-11 hours and not feel worn down. I got to watch all those package car management eat their own. Most got fired, changing time cards, drugs, boinking co-workers. Some flamed out. A few retired, but very few. If I could of hung in there a few years longer I could have double dipped (65 pension+pay), but it was time. I think I did it right.
i hope he does@oneanddone believe just retired for 542 but don't know if he gets on anymore.