We Have To Read It To Know What's In It! Auto Breathalyzer Requirements Snuck Into Infrastructure Bill.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Not government's job. You want to lock up drunk drivers, ok.

Seat belts in my car, my choice.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Tell that to some mother who lost their kid because of drunk driver hit them.

Well enjoy patting yourself on the back for doing your part by blowing your car in perpetuity while Intoxalock executives laugh about it all the way to the bank.

“Intoxalock, a company that manufactures vehicle breathalyzers, has also spent heavily on lobbying in the past five years. It has spent more than $900,000 on lobbyists since 2017, according to the Center For Responsive Politics, including $40,000 to Crossroads Strategies in 2021.

Method Mensch

Well-Known Member
Drunk drivers drive on roads and bridges and kill thousands of people a year. Ttku...
So do drivers because of lack of sleep, having a girlfriend or wife screaming at them in the car, dropping a cigarette in their lap, and a many other things. I would definitely like to see cars fit with devices to eliminate all the problems, but I'm not sure I could afford it.