Its election time in America again. The airwaves are full of attack ads and "October Surprises", its dirty politics as usual, and both parties are just as guilty. I think that when politicians first run for office, they want to do what we send them there for, but they soon fall into depending on the lobbyist's money and owing special favors to the special interest groups that got them there.
Because of this, I believe that the true will of the majority of Americans is often overlooked. Polls show that we have opinions on certain topics, but due to politics, these concerns of ours are not addressed. My idea is that I wish we could vote on certain things directly, lets let the majority decide. Now I understand how Amendments to the Constitution work, something is proposed and is voted on state by state so it can be ratified eventually. This takes too long, issues are blocked and delayed for different reasons.
When I go to vote next month, I wish I could vote for more than just than some politician or local issue. I wish the following could be decided by the people directly. I am sure that some of you reading this will have your own ideas and opinions. Mine, in no particular order:
1.Term limits on Senators, Representatives, and Judges. These shouldn't be jobs for life, they all need to be replaced after a while.
2. Balanced Federal Budget. Politicians shouldn't spend more than we have, except in a National Emergency such as war. This will cut out a lot of waste. Politicians should be paid only if they can do this.
3. True Court Reform. Real Tort Reform would cut down on ridicules jury awards that drive up consumer costs and insurance rates. If you bring a frivolous lawsuit to trial and lose, you should pay all court cost.
4. Welfare Reform. Too many people being paid to sit around and do nothing.
5. Secure Our Borders. We should control who is in our country
6.Abortion. This is a tough moral issue that polls say the country is split about 50/50 on. The issues of rape, incest, and health of the mother are at stake here.
7.Gay Marriage. Polls say 75% of people oppose it. Maybe Civil Unions would address this issue.
8.Mandatory Sentences. Criminals who murder, rape, and molest children forfeit their freedom. Longer sentences and the death penalty should take care of this problem.
9.Exactly what "Separation of Church and State" means. Eighty to ninety per cent of people say they believe in God, but prayer in school has been done away, public displays of The Ten Commandments, Easter and Christmas displays are attacked, and so on. We have the right to believe how we want too, I don't think that the ACLU and activist judges should force their agenda on the rest of us.
10. Better Campaign Reform. Special interest groups and the lobbyist have too much power in Washington. They should be banned.
11. Abolish the IRS. Everyone over a certain income level should be taxed at the same rate. The "Fair Tax"is a good idea, put a National Sales Tax on things to raise only the necessary revenue this country needs.
Because of this, I believe that the true will of the majority of Americans is often overlooked. Polls show that we have opinions on certain topics, but due to politics, these concerns of ours are not addressed. My idea is that I wish we could vote on certain things directly, lets let the majority decide. Now I understand how Amendments to the Constitution work, something is proposed and is voted on state by state so it can be ratified eventually. This takes too long, issues are blocked and delayed for different reasons.
When I go to vote next month, I wish I could vote for more than just than some politician or local issue. I wish the following could be decided by the people directly. I am sure that some of you reading this will have your own ideas and opinions. Mine, in no particular order:
1.Term limits on Senators, Representatives, and Judges. These shouldn't be jobs for life, they all need to be replaced after a while.
2. Balanced Federal Budget. Politicians shouldn't spend more than we have, except in a National Emergency such as war. This will cut out a lot of waste. Politicians should be paid only if they can do this.
3. True Court Reform. Real Tort Reform would cut down on ridicules jury awards that drive up consumer costs and insurance rates. If you bring a frivolous lawsuit to trial and lose, you should pay all court cost.
4. Welfare Reform. Too many people being paid to sit around and do nothing.
5. Secure Our Borders. We should control who is in our country
6.Abortion. This is a tough moral issue that polls say the country is split about 50/50 on. The issues of rape, incest, and health of the mother are at stake here.
7.Gay Marriage. Polls say 75% of people oppose it. Maybe Civil Unions would address this issue.
8.Mandatory Sentences. Criminals who murder, rape, and molest children forfeit their freedom. Longer sentences and the death penalty should take care of this problem.
9.Exactly what "Separation of Church and State" means. Eighty to ninety per cent of people say they believe in God, but prayer in school has been done away, public displays of The Ten Commandments, Easter and Christmas displays are attacked, and so on. We have the right to believe how we want too, I don't think that the ACLU and activist judges should force their agenda on the rest of us.
10. Better Campaign Reform. Special interest groups and the lobbyist have too much power in Washington. They should be banned.
11. Abolish the IRS. Everyone over a certain income level should be taxed at the same rate. The "Fair Tax"is a good idea, put a National Sales Tax on things to raise only the necessary revenue this country needs.