I have been driving now for 13 years and I still could not figure out WTF is the logic/reasoning behind 'eliminating' routes? Yeah yeah they tell us that it is because "the volume is too low"....
Ok lets say that it is but wouldnt it be more reasonable to just add stops to the route that is suppose to be 'low in stop count' rather than dividing it and giving it to 4 - 5 routes? wouldnt it be "CHEAPER" to run that truck and give it to a driver and do less hours than giving it to 4 other drivers that will eventually have 3-4 hours of overtime? that is time and a half?
I know its like barking at the wrong tree but this is a forum and I might learn something from my fellow upsers in regards to this issue. Again, WTF is the reasoning/logic behind this because business wise it really doesnt make sense, Not when you want to 'save' money.
and oh btw, I did not even mention the 'AM' time thats wasted because they have to eliminate a route at 815 when we are suppose to be on the road at 840.
Ok lets say that it is but wouldnt it be more reasonable to just add stops to the route that is suppose to be 'low in stop count' rather than dividing it and giving it to 4 - 5 routes? wouldnt it be "CHEAPER" to run that truck and give it to a driver and do less hours than giving it to 4 other drivers that will eventually have 3-4 hours of overtime? that is time and a half?
I know its like barking at the wrong tree but this is a forum and I might learn something from my fellow upsers in regards to this issue. Again, WTF is the reasoning/logic behind this because business wise it really doesnt make sense, Not when you want to 'save' money.
and oh btw, I did not even mention the 'AM' time thats wasted because they have to eliminate a route at 815 when we are suppose to be on the road at 840.