whats wrong with my hub everyone is happy


Well-Known Member
everyone is cool at my hub, the supes are nice ive never been yelled at never been told to go faster even the hub manager doesnt yell he will just say “dont do that”. people get promotions quite a bit there is always driving spots open. i mean some people are loud but theyre still cool. i always hear horror stories at UPS but my hub is cool af


Well-Known Member


Staff member
everyone is cool at my hub, the supes are nice ive never been yelled at never been told to go faster even the hub manager doesnt yell he will just say “dont do that”. people get promotions quite a bit there is always driving spots open. i mean some people are loud but theyre still cool. i always hear horror stories at UPS but my hub is cool af
The entire building management team will now be replaced.


everyone is cool at my hub, the supes are nice ive never been yelled at never been told to go faster even the hub manager doesnt yell he will just say “dont do that”. people get promotions quite a bit there is always driving spots open. i mean some people are loud but theyre still cool. i always hear horror stories at UPS but my hub is cool af

Must be stoned


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
everyone is cool at my hub, the supes are nice ive never been yelled at never been told to go faster even the hub manager doesnt yell he will just say “dont do that”. people get promotions quite a bit there is always driving spots open. i mean some people are loud but theyre still cool. i always hear horror stories at UPS but my hub is cool af


I Am The Devil
My hub is the same. Sups are all cool. Must be a new initiative in response to the violence that happens when you degrade someone for an extended period of time


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I saw two guys on the HVD get into it once. They ended up wrestling and punching on top the moving belt, sliding down to the LVD.


Well-Known Member
I’ve heard of the “BOG” I was told it was a magical place that UPS employees were sprinkled with fairy dust at the start of each day and every driver was punched out before 5:00
Once ruled by the King of delivery, some mythical guy called UpstateNYupser.


Well-Known Member
I’ve heard of the “BOG” I was told it was a magical place that UPS employees were sprinkled with fairy dust at the start of each day and every driver was punched out before 5:00

The "bubble of goodness" is an imaginary place in space and time. It is thought to be an extended center located in upper NY state.

It is said there are unicorns, many rainbows and angels singing as they throw rose petals.

It is reported that all drivers are off work by 5:30 pm, hourly and management hold hands and sing kumbaya each morning and there are never any labor disputes.

It is thought that a BrownCafe member, UpstateNYUPSer, reigns supreme and is omnipotent.

twilight zone theme song - Bing video

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
I saw two guys on the HVD get into it once. They ended up wrestling and punching on top the moving belt, sliding down to the LVD.

Did it go down like the rock crusher belt fight in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom?



Active Member
my center was really cool when I first started. great center manager,. on roads where cool. best part is that for the most part the management staff just left every one alone. in the last two years all but one member of the original managment crew has been replaced. some of the replacements have been replaced. last month they changed our center manager again. needless to say it's no longer the same. if your center has a good vibe going right now enjoy it, it's only a matter of time before UPS demotes the good ones and gives you :censored2:.