When should supplements be settled? Spring? *on topic*


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We're at 2 1/2 months now without a contract. That's about 400 hours of regular time plus any OT and bonus of back pay and growing...
For a full rate driver its only about $28 a week regular pay and $21 max for OT. $49 a week if you work 60 hours...I have to pay my wife's boyfriend more than that to come by.

just chillin'

Rest in peace wooba
Period Begin Period End Total Earned Total Taxes Total Deducted Net Amount

- 05/18/2014 05/24/2014 1,109.44 238.55 0.00 870.89

Description Gross Description Current YTD
- RETRO-OT 12.69 13.32 FICA 68.79 1,971.91
- RETRO-DT 8.00 11.20 FICA MEDICARE 16.08 461.17
- RETRO-ST 1549.89 1,084.92 FEDERAL TAX 101.80 3,415.91
- TOTAL HOURS WORKED 0.00 ST TAX- NY 51.88 1,640.51
- CURRENT TOTALS 1,109.44 TOTALS 238.55