When will Carol Tome be relieved of her duties?

Max Headroom

Active Member
When UPS puts two bad quarters together then her head will roll. They are announcing a national change of operations in a press conference on March 1st that is supposed to be an epic lay off.

I have NOT been lurking

Eat. Sleep. Work. Jork.
When UPS puts two bad quarters together then her head will roll. They are announcing a national change of operations in a press conference on March 1st that is supposed to be an epic lay off.
Dividends are also good for drivers that are investing in UPS stocks for their future and retirement. The dividends is money that can buy more stocks which buys more dividends which buys more stocks and on and on. This really adds up over 10, 20 or 30 yrs.
dividends are taxed more than buybacks so the longer the term the less you make,that's why they're only good for retirees


Well-Known Member
She should have been bounced last August after she botched the contract negotiations. She will probably “announce her retirement“ soon. Hopefully the powers that be learn something from this. UPS needs to be led as it always has in the past, by lifelong UPSERS who understand what it means to blead brown. This DEI thing just doesn’t work. UPS isn’t for everyone. It takes a special breed of person. Just because you were able to succeed somewhere else is by no means an indication you will succeed here. That goes for pretty much every job in the company.


Well-Known Member
She should have been bounced last August after she botched the contract negotiations. She will probably “announce her retirement“ soon. Hopefully the powers that be learn something from this. UPS needs to be led as it always has in the past, by lifelong UPSERS who understand what it means to blead brown. This DEI thing just doesn’t work. UPS isn’t for everyone. It takes a special breed of person. Just because you were able to succeed somewhere else is by no means an indication you will succeed here. That goes for pretty much every job in the company.
Do you blead brown?
It's a $10 million dollar rip off the go if they will be taxed 1%, right?

They must be fairly confident that there will be a much higher return to start the transaction this way.
Maybe the tax should be higher?
It's a government's way of getting more tax money many foreign countries do not let corporations do stock BuyBacks