Will I get my job back?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Hey all, I discovered this message board when I was trying to google something about UPS a few months ago and I have read on and off since. I think this is the best place to get information about UPS even better than some of the local hubs.

With that said, I was fired today. I have worked at UPS for alomost three years and I load most days and am a backup pickoff. I have a really good working realtionship with my female supervisor but today when I was walking from one load to another I playfully mooned my supervisor and right when I did that our buliding manager walked through the door to the up stairs offices and saw me. I immediately pulled my pants up and my boss said come with me, didn't say one word to me about the mooning, he had me sit in his office for a couple minutes as he got our union steward and my boss informed me that I was being terminated for sexual harrasment and I was walked out of the building. After I was walked out my steward told me about what I needed to do next in order to get my job back and after that I was like be honest with me do you think I'll get my job back and he said he didn't know for sure as he's never dealt with a case like this and usally the only way to truly get fired is to steal or put your hands on someone but he wouldn't be shocked if this firing was upheld. What do you guys think will happen?

I'm pretty sure the answer to this question will be heck no but I'm a part time employee and I was wondering if my mother is eligible to be on my insurance plan? Thank you!

I recieved my ballot on Saturday in the mail and obviously I checked "No" in all three areas but before I put it in the envelope I took a dump and wiped my rear with the ballot form and I got it pretty dirty. I did that just because I was so upset that the union would even allow this joke of a contract to be agreed on but now after thinking about it I probably shouldn't have wiped my rear with it and I'm wondering if I could get in any trouble for it?

So I'm in school Monday, Wednesday and Friday with a class from 8-11 AM and on Wednesday and Friday the sort typically starts at 1:30 pm. I don't have time to do much after my class lets out so usually I just go right to work and have nothing to do so what I've been doing is I get to work and no one is on the floor because preload gets done around 9 am and I just secure and verify the belt on my PD and take a nap on the belt. Well on Friday I guess I forgot to secure the belt and they turned it on up front and it didn't wake me up so I was sleeping and I rode down to the end of the belt and slid down the shute and onto the rollers and I made such a noise that one of our specialist supervisors heard it and came in and saw me so I explained what happened and I was wrote up and they sent me home for the day. Am I going to be fired or what? I explained it was an accident and I just forgot the secure the belt but he was :censored2: at me. What's going to happen?
Looks like the OP is Mensa qualified. Lol.


I've been a full time cover driver for about 18 months now. I was fired last Thursday and here's why, okay, so I have a buddy who delivers for Amazon and he was in my area on Thursday. I was probably 20 stops behind my normal pace and so I gave him a call and asked if he could help me deliver a few streets, I prerecorded 12-14 stops, he puts the packages in his car and delivers them. It was a really tight neighbor and in a normal passenger car it couldn't have taken him more than 25-35 minutes. I get a message on the DIAD probably an hour after he makes the deliveries telling me I need to call my center ASAP. I called and they said that a customer called UPS and asked why an Amazon driver was delivering UPS packages. I explained that I was behind and I asked my buddy for help but they were having none of it. They came and picked me up, another driver took over my route, we went back to the building and they got a union steward and basically fired me and took my badge. My union steward was unsure if I would get my job back. Can they fire me for this? I feel like I'm being treated unfairly and I literally did nothing wrong. I need this job and I'm worried. What do you all think?

If they don't fire you for dishonesty

Then they should fire you for being an idiot


Well-Known Member
Update: My on road sup sent me a text today asking me to come in and talk. After PCM the two on road sups in my center and our center manager had a little meeting. I did get my job back but I'm basically on my last strike. I've had a number of incidents since working at UPS and especially since I started driving, this was the first time I found myself in the principals office since I got caught letting my helper drive part of the day in peak though. My thing is this, I'm basically under a zero policy but I've only been driving for a year and a half. Is there a certain amount of time where the incidents I have has disappear? Like if I screw up in five years can they use this stuff against me then? And since I got my job back without ever having a hearing can I grieve the two days I didn't work?
Update: My on road sup sent me a text today asking me to come in and talk. After PCM the two on road sups in my center and our center manager had a little meeting. I did get my job back but I'm basically on my last strike. I've had a number of incidents since working at UPS and especially since I started driving, this was the first time I found myself in the principals office since I got caught letting my helper drive part of the day in peak though. My thing is this, I'm basically under a zero policy but I've only been driving for a year and a half. Is there a certain amount of time where the incidents I have has disappear? Like if I screw up in five years can they use this stuff against me then? And since I got my job back without ever having a hearing can I grieve the two days I didn't work?
Just shut your mouth and do your job the correct way. Or you will be out the door.... forever.

You should go to church on Sunday.


Update: My on road sup sent me a text today asking me to come in and talk. After PCM the two on road sups in my center and our center manager had a little meeting. I did get my job back but I'm basically on my last strike. I've had a number of incidents since working at UPS and especially since I started driving, this was the first time I found myself in the principals office since I got caught letting my helper drive part of the day in peak though. My thing is this, I'm basically under a zero policy but I've only been driving for a year and a half. Is there a certain amount of time where the incidents I have has disappear? Like if I screw up in five years can they use this stuff against me then? And since I got my job back without ever having a hearing can I grieve the two days I didn't work?

Helper drives for half the day

Gives boxes to amazon driver

Now wants paid for the 2 days you've been off

Grieve it I think your untouchable


cap'n crunch
We had a probationary driver back in the 80's that put up great numbers. He was killing it. The other drivers kind of raised their eyebrows. Management thought he was the second coming. Come to find out, he was sheeting up the stops, signing for them (no driver release back then) giving them to his wife out on the area. She was delivering 25-30 stops a day and he was getting credit for them.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
Now that we know he is not of good judgement (letting the helper drive?????)
Any odds on how long before he screws up again and is gone for good?

john chesney

Well-Known Member
Update: My on road sup sent me a text today asking me to come in and talk. After PCM the two on road sups in my center and our center manager had a little meeting. I did get my job back but I'm basically on my last strike. I've had a number of incidents since working at UPS and especially since I started driving, this was the first time I found myself in the principals office since I got caught letting my helper drive part of the day in peak though. My thing is this, I'm basically under a zero policy but I've only been driving for a year and a half. Is there a certain amount of time where the incidents I have has disappear? Like if I screw up in five years can they use this stuff against me then? And since I got my job back without ever having a hearing can I grieve the two days I didn't work?
Dude you let your helper drive and had someone else deliver your packages,got your job back in 2 days and want to grieve back pay. You should blow your business agent I need to meet this guy


Lunch is the best part of the day
I think his center team swept this one under the rug.

Your only under a last chance agreement if you signed one.


Well-Known Member
I've decided not to grieve and just let this go and just go about my business like normal. I just don't want management thinking they can push me around all the time. If you give them an inch, they'll take it a mile. But this one time, I'll look the other way.


Well-Known Member
I've been a full time cover driver for about 18 months now. I was fired last Thursday and here's why, okay, so I have a buddy who delivers for Amazon and he was in my area on Thursday. I was probably 20 stops behind my normal pace and so I gave him a call and asked if he could help me deliver a few streets, I prerecorded 12-14 stops, he puts the packages in his car and delivers them. It was a really tight neighbor and in a normal passenger car it couldn't have taken him more than 25-35 minutes. I get a message on the DIAD probably an hour after he makes the deliveries telling me I need to call my center ASAP. I called and they said that a customer called UPS and asked why an Amazon driver was delivering UPS packages. I explained that I was behind and I asked my buddy for help but they were having none of it. They came and picked me up, another driver took over my route, we went back to the building and they got a union steward and basically fired me and took my badge. My union steward was unsure if I would get my job back. Can they fire me for this? I feel like I'm being treated unfairly and I literally did nothing wrong. I need this job and I'm worried. What do you all think?
If true you should be fired. Dummy

The Blackadder

Are you not amused?
I've decided not to grieve and just let this go and just go about my business like normal. I just don't want management thinking they can push me around all the time. If you give them an inch, they'll take it a mile. But this one time, I'll look the other way.
You have to be a troll, no one can be this stupid.


Well-Known Member
Please let us know what you get fired for next, can't wait for the next episode.

Imagine the look on a stewards face when you handed him that grievance? Priceless!