Will ups let you go after peak if you are hire as a full time driver


42 is def pushing it. Are you in shape? It’s a big risk. There’s people I know that left FedEx after like 10 years to go to ups and didn’t even make it through class to even drive.


Yeah, I'm a road hog
This will be one of what I'm guessing will be many stories again this peak season about how "I was hired as a driver" and promised this or that, only to find out it wasn't true. Too bad we don't have an archivist or historian on here that can pull up some of the "classic" threads/posts from previous years.


This will be one of what I'm guessing will be many stories again this peak season about how "I was hired as a driver" and promised this or that, only to find out it wasn't true. Too bad we don't have an archivist or historian on here that can pull up some of the "classic" threads/posts from previous years.
The opposite here. Couple days before Xmas guys will just stop showing up.


Well-Known Member
I dont have to beg for My job back but how can they do this to people? Another person today left the post office with 15 years in to take this position.

I wouldn't have left a government job with that much seniority to start at the bottom at UPS. Too many unknowns and variables. Unless he really hated the postal service. But a lot of the negatives of USPS exist at UPS too. Plus our trucks are bigger and packages are heavier. So if someone hated working for the post office I'd image they would also have a lot of issues at UPS.


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat the age. I'm 44 and I just scratched 5 times in 6 days from days 20 to 26 and I beat it by an hour on average; they won't let me work the last four days so I don't risk an accident within my 30 days so I don't jeopardize my job. If you hit the gym, it is no sweat, let your muscles "do the work" and not your joints. It's hardcore work trying to scratch, but this is exactly for me, it is a prescription for me. Lost weight, zero anxieties, blood pressure problems r nonexistent.
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Well-Known Member
Don't sweat the age. I'm 44 and I just scratched 5 times in 6 days from days 20 to 26 and I beat it by an hour on average; they won't let me work the last four days so I don't risk an accident within my 30 days so I don't jeopardize my job. If you hit the gym, it is no sweat, let your muscles "do the work" and not your joints. It's hardcore work trying to scratch, but this is exactly for me, it is a prescription for me. Lost weight, zero anxieties, blood pressure problems r nonexistent.


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat the age. I'm 44 and I just scratched 5 times in 6 days from days 20 to 26 and I beat it by an hour on average; they won't let me work the last four days so I don't risk an accident within my 30 days so I don't jeopardize my job. If you hit the gym, it is no sweat, let your muscles "do the work" and not your joints. It's hardcore work trying to scratch, but this is exactly for me, it is a prescription for me. Lost weight, zero anxieties, blood pressure problems r nonexistent.
5 minutes into a career. Love the enthusiasm.


Baseball, dart board
Don't sweat the age. I'm 44 and I just scratched 5 times in 6 days from days 20 to 26 and I beat it by an hour on average; they won't let me work the last four days so I don't risk an accident within my 30 days so I don't jeopardize my job. If you hit the gym, it is no sweat, let your muscles "do the work" and not your joints. It's hardcore work trying to scratch, but this is exactly for me, it is a prescription for me. Lost weight, zero anxieties, blood pressure problems r nonexistent.
Sooo...you're fired, is that what you're saying?

I think the point most people are trying to convey is the job is hard on the body, and starting at 44 could prove to be a disadvantage.
Consume lots of bone broth, collagen peptides, stretch, strengthen your core, and use the methods. If they keep you around after peak and you gain seniority, drop the anchor and take care of your body.
I wouldn't have left a government job with that much seniority to start at the bottom at UPS. Too many unknowns and variables. Unless he really hated the postal service. But a lot of the negatives of USPS exist at UPS too. Plus our trucks are bigger and packages are heavier. So if someone hated working for the post office I'd image they would also have a lot of issues at UPS.
Its not about hating the post office. I moved out out to Long Island the commute is terrible and exspensive. Plus the drivers I have spoke to locally speak well of the ups job thats why I applied. I am very surprised to hear all this. And if the job is so bad why does everyone stay.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Its not about hating the post office. I moved out out to Long Island the commute is terrible and exspensive. Plus the drivers I have spoke to locally speak well of the ups job thats why I applied. I am very surprised to hear all this. And if the job is so bad why does everyone stay.
For the money? UPS works the lower wage FT delivery drivers like a borrowed mule. It's a daily grind and you can be replaced with the next low wage delivery driver in a few years.

Next Day Error

X - Other
I dont have to beg for My job back but how can they do this to people? Another person today left the post office with 15 years in to take this position.
Keep in mind that you might get lucky. They very well may lay you off but call you back in spring to go for your 30 day qualification to be full time. It's a roll of the dice. How bad do they need you? How much do they like you? That kind of thing.


Don't sweat the age. I'm 44 and I just scratched 5 times in 6 days from days 20 to 26 and I beat it by an hour on average; they won't let me work the last four days so I don't risk an accident within my 30 days so I don't jeopardize my job. If you hit the gym, it is no sweat, let your muscles "do the work" and not your joints. It's hardcore work trying to scratch, but this is exactly for me, it is a prescription for me. Lost weight, zero anxieties, blood pressure problems r nonexistent.

Good job now keep it up for the next 30 years Then let the class know how you’re doing


Its not about hating the post office. I moved out out to Long Island the commute is terrible and exspensive. Plus the drivers I have spoke to locally speak well of the ups job thats why I applied. I am very surprised to hear all this. And if the job is so bad why does everyone stay.

For 100k and a chance to retire at 55 folks will put up with a fair amount of bull:censored2:


Well-Known Member
In my case, notice, I said, "MY" case, I too was hired as seasonal. Quit my job, took a cut in pay, with the only promise of, "If you do well enough, we may hire you back after peak".

OK, being in construction, running heavy equipment, I was used to being laid off all winter and if not hired, could just put my name back on the union board.

After peak, I was laid off 1 day and called back, gained seniority that day and lasted for 32 yrs.

Of course, that was 44 yrs ago. I understand things may have changed. If so, please refer back to my first sentence

Sixth Punch Sense

Well-Known Member
Don't sweat the age. I'm 44 and I just scratched 5 times in 6 days from days 20 to 26 and I beat it by an hour on average; they won't let me work the last four days so I don't risk an accident within my 30 days so I don't jeopardize my job. If you hit the gym, it is no sweat, let your muscles "do the work" and not your joints. It's hardcore work trying to scratch, but this is exactly for me, it is a prescription for me. Lost weight, zero anxieties, blood pressure problems r nonexistent.
I would get with your steward asap. Mgmt is not your friend. Finish your packet before peak starts or you gone


Well-Known Member
Its not about hating the post office. I moved out out to Long Island the commute is terrible and exspensive. Plus the drivers I have spoke to locally speak well of the ups job thats why I applied. I am very surprised to hear all this. And if the job is so bad why does everyone stay.
Do you know Joey Buttafuoco?

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
The only "safe" way of making a career here is to advance up the PT ranks. Most places you have unlimited qualification attempts every year.

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
but If someone just dont like me and can let me go for no good reason I put My family in a bad spot.
Not only are they going to hate you, unless you toss their salad daily, but they literally cannot hire you off the street six to one. Since you are not a teamster, you will have to work preload for years, and bid on a driving job, after you join the union.



Well-Known Member
Don't sweat the age. I'm 44 and I just scratched 5 times in 6 days from days 20 to 26 and I beat it by an hour on average; they won't let me work the last four days so I don't risk an accident within my 30 days so I don't jeopardize my job. If you hit the gym, it is no sweat, let your muscles "do the work" and not your joints. It's hardcore work trying to scratch, but this is exactly for me, it is a prescription for me. Lost weight, zero anxieties, blood pressure problems r nonexistent.
With all respect…many have seen this story and how it eventually plays out.

I’ve seen it a lot of times in the last 20 years.
The “don’t risk an accident” that’s a BS line management throw around. Severe snow storms maybe they keep you in the center and that would be understandable.

It’s more along the lines of they don’t have work for you because the center has been giving you work and taking it off RCPDs. RCPDs will help out and “play the game” but there comes a point when guys and girls want their work back. If volume gets low enough which happens you run out of days and your gone. Again…seen this happen enough times I’ve lost count.
Good luck to you and don’t become a statistic.