Will ups let you go after peak if you are hire as a full time driver


Well-Known Member
Not only are they going to hate you, unless you toss their salad daily, but they literally cannot hire you off the street six to one. Since you are not a teamster, you will have to work preload for years, and bid on a driving job, after you join the union.

That's not necessarily true about working preload. I was seasonal three years ago and had to requalify as a 22.4 after peak. Never even had a training route. Year later I was an rpcd with my own route. It can happen.


22.3 columbia airhub
Hi I applied to UPS full time driver position in LI NY. I will be leaving a full time job to go to ups. Now i hear that your probation is paused during peak. Are they just going to use Me during peak then let Me go even if i am good and have no major issues? This would be terrible to leave a full time job to be used then let go. I applied to full time combination driver, i did not see anything that mentioned seasonal position.
If you don't make your 30 days before peak you will be let go


Yeah, I'm a road hog
Yes, but if he starts the job at 44 years old he'll have to work well past 55 to realize the higher pay or retirement benefits.


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat the age. I'm 44 and I just scratched 5 times in 6 days from days 20 to 26 and I beat it by an hour on average; they won't let me work the last four days so I don't risk an accident within my 30 days so I don't jeopardize my job. If you hit the gym, it is no sweat, let your muscles "do the work" and not your joints. It's hardcore work trying to scratch, but this is exactly for me, it is a prescription for me. Lost weight, zero anxieties, blood pressure problems r nonexistent.

Does your peak season start October 1st or the 15th in your local? I believe you’d have to hit your 30 days by then to make seniority, or else you’d be within the free period and wouldn’t make book


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Fresh meat.

Lol, management tell them how great they are doing. They do 100 gravy stops in 8 hours! Behind their backs management is laughing.


Active Member
Hi I applied to UPS full time driver position in LI NY. I will be leaving a full time job to go to ups. Now i hear that your probation is paused during peak. Are they just going to use Me during peak then let Me go even if i am good and have no major issues? This would be terrible to leave a full time job to be used then let go. I applied to full time combination driver, i did not see anything that mentioned seasonal position.
Sounds stupid but. Hey... UPS hired me as a driver! No... well...kinda. Unless you have a sonority date, your a casual/temp/disposable tissue. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
In my case, notice, I said, "MY" case, I too was hired as seasonal. Quit my job, took a cut in pay, with the only promise of, "If you do well enough, we may hire you back after peak".

OK, being in construction, running heavy equipment, I was used to being laid off all winter and if not hired, could just put my name back on the union board.

After peak, I was laid off 1 day and called back, gained seniority that day and lasted for 32 yrs.

Of course, that was 44 yrs ago. I understand things may have changed. If so, please refer back to my first sentence

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Does your peak season start October 1st or the 15th in your local? I believe you’d have to hit your 30 days by then to make seniority, or else you’d be within the free period and wouldn’t make book
Not necessarily. Depends on if you are hired as a Seasonal or a FT delivery driver. Nothing in the contract says you can not qualify during Peak.


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily. Depends on if you are hired as a Seasonal or a FT delivery driver. Nothing in the contract says you can not qualify during Peak.
True. My hire date as a fulltime driver was October 11. I hit my senority date the first week of December last year. I think it really all depends on each centers needs. I’m out of a satellite center that doesn’t have a preload, big difference to a hubs operation


Well-Known Member
By no means am I telling you to leave a ft job job for a shot in the dark, but if you take away the economy being in doom right now, there has never been a better time to get kept after peak as a package driver. Was talking to the center manager from my old center a few weeks ago. I was asking him what it’s like now after peak, are a lot of drivers kept on. Told me basically everyone is kept. Said last year they had 12 casuals and all 12 were kept. Everywhere is different meaning different areas need people, but never been a better time, two tier wages with 22.4s changed everything. Before 22.4s it was every hard to be kept.