wives writing in


Well-Known Member
Thats because its easier for us men just to agree with our wives! As ups drivers we pace ourselves!
Woman; How was your day at work today honey?
Man; Sucked!

Woman; Do you think you can come home early on friday, because i want to go blah blah blah blah blah blan (like we really listen) blah blah blah.
Man: NO

Thats how come you woman use more words than us men, After work we just want to veg on the couch and watch some sports. Also about 18,000 of those words come after we come home at night. Why?


Did you install a camera in my house?

How else would you know about all this??? :lol::lol:


Browncafe Steward
705red.....women want to share. We know you're not listening most of the time. Hell, we talk to the dogs & cats when you're not there.

And we prefer "yadda, yadda ,yadda" instead of "blah, blah, blah". :)
Lets not forget i dont think ah-ha counts as a word, thats a nother reason we dont talk alot, our responses our ah-ha and its not the dress that makes you look fat! LOL Please dont forward to my wife!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Lets not forget i dont think ah-ha counts as a word, thats a nother reason we dont talk alot, our responses our ah-ha and its not the dress that makes you look fat! LOL Please dont forward to my wife!
I once had a brutally honest husband, his answer was "no you dont look fat in those pants, you are fat and I dont know how you got into those pants." Of course that was 2 wks after giving birth to a 9 pd, 14 oz bouncing baby boy, so I really thought I should have gotten some slack. I just dont ask that question anymore. And yes I did divorce him.


Browncafe Steward
I once had a brutally honest husband, his answer was "no you dont look fat in those pants, you are fat and I dont know how you got into those pants." Of course that was 2 wks after giving birth to a 9 pd, 14 oz bouncing baby boy, so I really thought I should have gotten some slack. I just dont ask that question anymore. And yes I did divorce him.
So do you still look fat in that dress? If not have you re-married yet? You know ohio is only about a 6 hour drive!


705red post your photo in life after brown under the title
"members pix"...and please not literally,it means browncafe members.
You can find tooners pic in the form of a video if you search hard enough.
Shes a cutie.
I bet she's taken.
isnt this romantic?


Well-Known Member
A little off topic...

Hey area43 your avatar looks like a rough and tumble cat that had trouble escaping from prison. Not cute and cuddly like lost or channahon.:laugh:

What's up with that??:lol:

Now back to the topic...

I once had a brutally honest husband, his answer was "no you dont look fat in those pants, you are fat and I dont know how you got into those pants." And yes I did divorce him.

Now you know why our words are kept to a minimum!!:lol:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Lets not forget i dont think ah-ha counts as a word, thats a nother reason we dont talk alot, our responses our ah-ha and its not the dress that makes you look fat! LOL Please dont forward to my wife!

what was your wifes email addy....... Oh thats right we are safe and protected here. :tongue_sm

No the pants wouldnt fit, and bought at pant r us in detroit Mi, those crushed velvet things would be great for a halloween party. But Im still hot:wink: And yes someone captured my heart a few yrs back, poor thing:laugh:


Well-Known Member
A little off topic...

Hey area43 your avatar looks like a rough and tumble cat that had trouble escaping from prison. Not cute and cuddly like lost or channahon.:laugh:

What's up with that??:lol:

Now back to the topic...

Now you know why our words are kept to a minimum!!:lol:

Hi braze(sighing,breathing heavy), I just had a little meeting with Hoffa and his boys(Red being one of them). I believe(know) I said something that didnt set well with them. Happy Campers, I think not. Braze if you think my face looks bad, you ought to take a look at my leg. Those nice Teamsters broke it . I feel like a tripod. Boy, do I walk funny. They a least could have done it while I was working, so I could say it was on the JOB, so to speak. Then I could get those big fat comp checks, that sheba(name brand cat food)cat food isnt cheap. I guess Ill have to get some of the cheap :censored2: china brand cat food. uuuggggghhh. My poor kitty heart. Braze I appreciate your concern. ps I havent been to the Labor forum today. Im scared :censored2:less. Anyhow, Im going to lie down, Ouch! hit my dam broken leg on the cat box. I think I have gravel in my butt, just another thing to worry about. Braze. this just hasent been my :censored2:en day or week. Im not one to cuss, sorry. Meow(bye) for now. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, The teamsters(even Red) and I are still friends.
Last edited:


Browncafe Steward
Hi braze(sighing,breathing heavy), I just had a little meeting with Hoffa and his boys(Red being one of them). I believe(know) I said something that didnt set well with them. Happy Campers, I think not. Braze if you think my face looks bad, you ought to take a look at my leg. Those nice Teamsters broke it . I feel like a tripod. Boy, do I walk funny. They a least could have done it while I was working, so I could say it was on the JOB, so to speak. Then I could get those big fat comp checks, that sheba(name brand cat food)cat food isnt cheap. I guess Ill have to get some of the cheap :censored2: china brand cat food. uuuggggghhh. My poor kitty heart. Braze I appreciate your concern. ps I havent been to the Labor forum today. Im scared :censored2:less. Anyhow, Im going to lie down, Ouch! hit my dam broken leg on the cat box. I think I have gravel in my butt, just another thing to worry about. Braze. this just hasent been my :censored2:en day or week. Im not one to cuss, sorry. Meow(bye) for now. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, The teamsters(even Red) and I are still friends.
Now you crossed the line! Im not a hoffa boy! And you must be a woman the way you ran on and on and on and on, you lost me at hi!


Browncafe Steward
what was your wifes email addy....... Oh thats right we are safe and protected here. :tongue_sm

No the pants wouldnt fit, and bought at pant r us in detroit Mi, those crushed velvet things would be great for a halloween party. But Im still hot:wink: And yes someone captured my heart a few yrs back, poor thing:laugh:
Im not the jealous type! lol I hope he/ she isnt!


Well-Known Member
Elizabeth Edwards was just on the news. She's not very happy with Ann....

Jealous about Anns body, I'm thinking.

No, I think it's another case of the "Wives Calling In". This time for the wussy husband. Wonder why John Boy didn't make that call himself since he was at the heart of the matter? Don't suppose he's a bit intimidated by the woman who called him a :censored2:, who wishes he'd be killed in a terrorist assassination plot, who makes fun of Hillary's chubby legs, and states that anyone named B. Hussein Obama has no business using the words ‘hijack’ and ‘religion’ in the same sentence... he's not gonna exchange ammo with her!!! Let the wife take the bullets! Isn't that what a real man does?

Elizabeth Edwards Takes on Ann Coulter Hardball 6-26-07


Staff member
I think Elizabeth Edwards loses any credibility she might have when she asks Ann Coulter to stop being mean in politics......

....but never brings up Rosie O'Donnell. Isn't Rosie mean too?
Or is it Rosie is only mean to people that Elizabeth doesn't like? So that's OK.

Does she know how bad it makes John look fighting his battles for him? If he needs Elizabeth to protect him from Ann, how will he protect us all from terrorists?

Oh yeah, where can I find this quote?

"anyone named B. Hussein Obama has no business using the words ‘hijack’ and ‘religion’ in the same sentence"

I really like that!


golden ticket member
You guys are missing the whole point !!!

See, I told you Hillary has fat calves a long time ago !!

Ann said, "chubby legs"....same thing. :cool:


Well-Known Member
You guys failed to mention how foolish and how fidgety Coulter looked on Chris Matthews hardball....Her pathetic respones and her failed attempt to try and twists Mrs. Edwards words on negativity and hatred be left out of Political Debate.Mr. Matthews had to remind Coulter "thats not what she said Ann".Matthews also pointed out why Ann has to attack Hillarys chubby legs and Obama's name .How do you educated people take this women seriously.Even your own Reps distant themselves from her.
As to why she's calling in for her husband? Or should the question be,Why she's calling in for her Son's honor?
Edwards: It debases political dialogue. It drives people away from the process. We can't have a debate about issues if you're using this kind of language.
Coulter: Yeah why isn't John Edwards making this call?
Matthews: Well do you want to respond and we'll end this conversation?
Edwards: I haven't talked to John about this call.
Coulter: This is just another attempt for –
Edwards: I'm making this call as a mother. I'm the mother of that boy who died. My children participate -- these young people behind you are the age of my children. You're asking them to participate in a dialogue that's based on hatefulness and ugliness instead of on the issues and I don't think that's serving them or this country very well.
[Applause from the crowd]

I applaud her,as a woman and as a mother for her loyalty to her family.
I can't understand why Ann Coulter groupies (espeically females)are attacking Elizabeth for this:confused:1


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, where can I find this quote?

"anyone named B. Hussein Obama has no business using the words ‘hijack’ and ‘religion’ in the same sentence"

I really like that!

Right here, My Good Man.



John Edwards is the presidential candidate, not Elizabeth. He should be the one confronting Ann Coulter, whom he dislikes because of her hate mongering and name calling. Ann also accuses John of exploiting the 1996 death of his son Wade for political gains. The public wasn't made aware of Wade's death, (11 years ago), until John ran for V.P. in 2004 and now on the 2008 trail. Funny he never mentioned it when he ran for the U.S. Senate in 1998. But that's his business. Ann also criticizes Edwards for using a video to raise funds referred to as "Coulter cash" for his campaign.

Now that Elizabeth Edwards' cancer has spread from breast to bone, (stage 4), the woman has a 1 in 4 chance of being alive five years from now. It's unthinkable that under these circumstances, Number One - John is running at all. And Number Two - That he has the audacity to hide behind her skirts.


golden ticket member

By Ann CoulterThu Jun 28, 7:56 PM ET

The Edwards campaign is apparently still running low on donations, so this week they went back to their top fundraiser: me.
I doubled the ratings of the lowest-rated cable news show on Tuesday by agreeing to go on for a full hour to promote my new paperback version of "Godless" -- a mistake I won't make again. As I was walking to the set, minutes before airtime, it was casually mentioned to me that Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, might call in.
For the first time in recorded history, the show's host did not interrupt a guest, but let Elizabeth Edwards ramble on and on, allowing her to browbeat me for being mean to her husband. (This delicate flower is very sensitive to rough words, having hired the Edwards' campaign staffer who wrote this: "What if Mary had taken Plan B after the Lord filled her with his hot, white, sticky Holy Spirit"?)
Say, did any TV host ever surprise Al Franken, Bill Maher or Arianna Huffington with a call by the wife of someone they've made nasty remarks about? How about a call to John Edwards from the wife of a doctor he bankrupted with his junk-science lawsuits?
I think I may have tuned out at some point, so I can only speak to the first 45 minutes of Elizabeth Edwards' harangue, but it mostly consisted of utterly dishonest renditions of things I had said on my "Good Morning America" interview this week and a column I wrote four years ago. (You can't rush Edwards' "rapid response team"!) She claimed I had launched unprovoked attacks on the Edwards' dead son and called for a terrorist attack on her husband.
These are bald-faced lies, and the mainstream media knows they are lies. Yet they were repeated ad nauseam on Wednesday by The Associated Press, the AOL pop-up window, CNN, NBC and -- stunningly -- the host of the lowest-rated cable show himself, who personally told me he knew the truth.
So for those of you who haven't read any of my five best-selling books: Liberals are driven by Satan and lie constantly.
Here is my full sentence on "Good Morning America," which the media deceptively truncated, referring to a joke I told about Edwards six months ago that made liberals cry: "But about the same time, you know, Bill Maher was not joking and saying he wished Dick Cheney had been killed in a terrorist attack -- so I've learned my lesson: If I'm going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."
The usual nut Web sites posted a zillion denunciations of my appearance on "Good Morning America" immediately after I appeared Monday morning. But it didn't occur to any of them to simply lie about what I had said. No, it took them nearly 36 hours to concoct a version of that quote that included the Edwards part, but not the Maher part, or what English language speakers call: "the point."
By tomorrow it will be: "Ann Coulter tried to kill John Edwards on 'Good Morning America'!"
Judging by his fundraising efforts so far, I gather most of you don't know who John Edwards is -- unless you're an overpriced hair dresser. He's the trial lawyer who pretended in court to channel the spirit of a handicapped fetus in front of illiterate jurors to scam tens of millions of dollars off of innocent doctors. According to The New York Times, Edwards told one jury: "She speaks to you through me ... And I have to tell you right now -- I didn't plan to talk about this -- right now I feel her. I feel her presence. She's inside me, and she's talking to you."
Let me also quote from campaign consultant Bob Shrum's book "No Excuses":
"(Kerry) was even queasier about Edwards after they met. Edwards had told Kerry he was going to share a story with him that he'd never told anyone else -- that after his son Wade had been killed, he climbed onto the slab at the funeral home, laid there and hugged his body, and promised that he'd do all he could to make life better for people, to live up to Wade's ideals of service. Kerry was stunned, not moved, because, as he told me later, Edwards had recounted the same exact story to him, almost in the exact same words, a year or two before -- and with the same preface, that he'd never shared the memory with anyone else. Kerry said he found it chilling, and he decided he couldn't pick Edwards unless he met with him again."
Apparently every time Edwards began a story about his dead son with "I've never told anyone this before," everyone on the campaign could lip-sync the story with him.
As a commentator, I bring facts like these to the attention of the American people in a lively way. Thus, for example, in a column about the Democratic candidates for president written in 2003, I pointed out that the Democrats refused to discuss the economy or the war, but had recently "discovered a surprise campaign issue: It turns out that several of them have had a death in the family."
Among several examples of Democrats talking about a death in the family on the campaign trail was this one:
John Edwards injects his son's fatal car accident into his campaign by demanding that everyone notice how he refuses to inject his son's fatal car accident into his campaign.

Edwards has talked about his son's death in a 1996 car accident on "Good Morning America," in dozens of profiles and in his new book. ("It was and is the most important fact of my life.") His 1998 Senate campaign ads featured film footage of Edwards at a learning lab he founded in honor of his son, titled "The Wade Edwards Learning Lab." He wears his son's Outward Bound pin on his suit lapel. He was going to wear it on his sleeve, until someone suggested that might be a little too "on the nose."
If you want points for not using your son's death politically, don't you have to take down all those "Ask me about my son's death in a horrific car accident" bumper stickers? Edwards is like a politician who keeps announcing that he will not use his opponent's criminal record for partisan political advantage.
Manifestly, I was not making fun of their son's death; I was making fun of John Edwards' incredibly creepy habit of invoking his son's tragic death to advance his political career -- a practice so repellant, it even made John Kerry queasy. I'm a little tired of losers trying to raise campaign cash or TV ratings off of my coattails, particularly when they use their afflictions or bereavement schedules to try to silence the opposition. From now on, I'm attacking only serious presidential candidates, like Dennis Kucinich.