WV close to being newest RTW state


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad I will probably never go through this.

California has a ton of really annoying problems but RTW I believe will never be one of them. Good luck guys


Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.
I'm so glad I will probably never go through this.

California has a ton of really annoying problems but RTW I believe will never be one of them. Good luck guys

They thought that in Michigan also, where the UAW had forever considered it impossible. Enter; The Low Auto Sales of $5 gas and Wall Street Speculators/ Housing Bubble/Bush&Obama Bailout Crash.
Northern Cal has some cecessionist idealists that would like to join Texas or Bundy Occupied Oregon if physically possible.
Never say never. Don't let your self think for one minute that the Koch Bros don't have a plan to put RTW in every state they can.

El Correcto

god is dead
I'm in a rtw state I don't see what it changes. People still pay their dues or are not serious about the job quitting in their first year. I filled out my Union papers before 30 days was up, was in union asap. Then again I was always a hard head in the hub.


Retired 23 years
That's because coal is a dying industry. It doesn't produce the level of energy for the amazing amount of pollution it does produce.

It should have been phased out years ago.

A drop in the bucket compared to what all the forest fires, volcanos, and 3rd world countries produce. What do you feel is the "answer'?

Orion inc.

I like turtles
A drop in the bucket compared to what all the forest fires, volcanos, and 3rd world countries produce. What do you feel is the "answer'?
Energy diversity is probably the future. Also renewables are coming down in price so you'll see the energy sector focus on that as well.


Well-Known Member
I'm in a rtw state I don't see what it changes. People still pay their dues or are not serious about the job quitting in their first year. I filled out my Union papers before 30 days was up, was in union asap. Then again I was always a hard head in the hub.

If a certain percentage of UPS hourlies are non union they can vote to de-certify the Teamsters union AKA break the union.

I'm glad I live in one of the most heavily unionized state in the country.

Scuba Steve

Well-Known Member
WV should be a right to work state.
The problem with WV besides the poor educational system is the people there. Everybody is looking for a free ride in WV. They will work for a short period of time, fake an injury or get injured purposely to get out of having to work. They want paid though.

This is a quote from the WSJ showing that WV ranks number one in Social Security Disability payments.

1. West Virginia
> Pct. of working age population with benefits: 9.0%
> Pct. with recurring neck and back pain:39.0% (the highest)
> 2011 labor force participation rate: 54.1% (the lowest)
> 2011 unemployment rate: 7.8% (23rd lowest)

No state had a higher percentage of working age people receiving SSDI benefits than West Virginia. In addition, the benefits received from by the federal government were more generous compared to most states. The average monthly benefit of more than $1,140 in 2011 was the 10th highest of all states. Almost 21% of recipients received monthly benefits of at least $1,600, a higher percentage than all but three states. Like most states on this list, West Virginia is among the less-educated states in the country. Just 18.5% of the adult population had a bachelor’s degree, the lowest percentage of all states. Also, few residents in the state had jobs. Just 54.1% of residents were considered part of the labor force in 2011, by far the lowest percentage of any state in the nation."

Rowdy dowdy 639

New Member
My state is RTW, not too long ago. It's changed 1 thing for sure, I'm much more active in representing my Union! If I find out a new part timer isn't paying dues... We have people take turns talking to them about it. (I.e. "Why don't you just go work at FedEx?!? Poeple might be nice to you there....)

All drivers in my center pay dues.
30 years service at ups I paid out $15,000.00 n union dues.For that I get $60,000.00 a year retirement. I'm n my tenth yr, that's $600,000.00 on a $15,000.00 investment. Does anyone have that n there 401? Pay ur dues n live d American dream.


Bad Moon Risen'
30 years service at ups I paid out $15,000.00 n union dues.For that I get $60,000.00 a year retirement. I'm n my tenth yr, that's $600,000.00 on a $15,000.00 investment. Does anyone have that n there 401? Pay ur dues n live d American dream.
Your union dues doesn't fund your pension.


Well-Known Member
If a certain percentage of UPS hourlies are non union they can vote to de-certify the Teamsters union AKA break the union.

I'm glad I live in one of the most heavily unionized state in the country.
That's interesting, I never knew that was what could happen, I'm in a RTW state but I'm thankful that almost everyone in my center except a handful of people are in the union. I try to recruit every new hire that walks in the door as soon as he makes book.