You tell em Donald


Inordinately Right
Adjust those rabbit ears on your tv or put some more foil on the antenna. There was plenty of videos on windows being broken, cars being burnt and fires in the street. PLEASE, if you don't have a TV or don't know what you are talking about, stay on the sideline and listen and MAYBE you will learn something. Highly doubtful.
Please, if you have a TV, throw it out the window, it is poisoning your little brain.


Well-Known Member
It's late. Put on your Depends, take your Geritol, and go to bed.

Don't forget your prunes. You sound constipated.
Heading to bed as soon as I watch the video of Trump taking the oath again.

Hillary and MFE=LOSER

Love the BABA BOOEY shout out before the ceremony.


Well-Known Member
Oh god no, not larry king's limo lol.
But you're in denial about your side rioting. 6 cops got hurt. When's the last time you saw conservatives rioting? It's the Left who tears everything up, down, and apart while telling us what haters we are. How delusional we are. That you have all the answers while the country keeps going further into debt and dependency on gov't handouts keeps growing. And the Left's leadership keeps getting richer(hi Bill & Hillary!).


Well-Known Member
Why did you quote me and then talk about MrFedUp the whole time? I'm not the liaison to you and mrfedex if you want to flirt with him do it on your own time.
I was talking about Trump, only mentioned MFE in one sentence. Surely with your superior intellect you could have deduced that. And why do Leftists always go gay?


Well-Known Member
You didn't hear about the rioters who were throwing bricks and setting things on fire? Heck Larry King's limo got torched lol.
He was too busy watching the lines scrolling on his TV and was too mesmerized to adjust the antenna. He missed all the protesters acting like heathens.


Inordinately Right
But you're in denial about your side rioting. 6 cops got hurt. When's the last time you saw conservatives rioting? It's the Left who tears everything up, down, and apart while telling us what haters we are. How delusional we are. That you have all the answers while the country keeps going further into debt and dependency on gov't handouts keeps growing. And the Left's leadership keeps getting richer(hi Bill & Hillary!).
My side?
You have a sickness bro. Everyone is not against you. That's a serious psychological disorder. Seek help.


Well-Known Member
You're revealing a lot about yourself tonight. I think this is a positive for this forum. Let everyone know exactly what kind of person you are.
Yep, I will stand up to anyone that attacks the chance to make this a better country. And you are definitely a Leftist because it's always personal attacks with you guys.


Inordinately Right
Yep, I will stand up to anyone that attacks the chance to make this a better country. And you are definitely a Leftist because it's always personal attacks with you guys.
The sad thing is you're a liberal and you don't even know it. You voted for a guy who's been a rich New York liberal his entire life because you're a sucker. I feel sorry for you bro.

Don't blame me for this mess, I voted for Gary Johnson. You chose to take part in this two party tyranny so it's all on you not me. D*.