2 Hours over!


Staff member
So what you think can they fire me because I went 2 hours over sometimes, The numbers always go from 120 over to 2 hours over. NEVER NEVER run scratch! No one runs that. Well except the people that load there own cars, the runners and gunners.
They can't fire you for running over, even if it was 4 hours. If they do try to fire you they will try and build a case for either stealing time or repeatedly failing to follow the methods and/or instructions. Go out there every day and do your job and you won't have anything to worry about.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
If they do try to fire you they will try and build a case for either stealing time or repeatedly failing to follow the methods and/or instructions. Go out there every day and do your job

This is what I usually see if somebody constantly goes over two hours every day. The driver will get on the Division/Center Manager's "List" for special scrutiny.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
OP, I assume you're a newer driver, but past your 30 days? The center manager wouldn't have pulled this with any driver around for a little while. He could get in trouble for threatening your job based on being paid over.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Most safety rides I had were about a half hour long. center manager or sup would meet me on route-jump in and ride for awhile then bale on me to probably go play golf or who knows what.

That's the way you want it. Sucks to do 9+ hrs with the sup on board.


Pineapple King
ask said center manager to accompany you on a ride along so he can see how you work thru the day. thatll give you all you need to know. he will likely flat out refuse indicating that he is just trying to intimidate you.
Read below as you obviously have never had a production ride.

Be aware that if they do ride with you your load will be the BEST you have ever had and you will probably even have some bulk taken off.


What is it? A brown box. Duh
Obviously there is an issue with the time study that was done on the route, ask for a new time study.
Otherwise my standard response is I am doing the best I can.
Cannot be disiplined for production


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
On a route I run that usually has upwards of 120 stops and I'm lucky to get back by 7:30 on, when I had my annual safety ride along I had a little over 80 and we were back by 6.


Well-Known Member
Been there, done that...don't be an aye hol to them.....just go back out and work the methods like the above mentioned.

This is what you need to do.

Use handrail, in and out, they will watch from a distance.

When you pull up to a stop, don't grab your bag of cheetos, just shut truck off and open door, enter cargo area and get boxes, place in cab, close bulkhead, exit truck, reach back and retrieve boxes or load cart.

Repeat this step about 150 times or more so when the supervisor that followed you all day can only report back that you were following the methods.

Every time without fail: Stop at all stop signs, use your turn signal, tap horn when backing.

Don't let them intimidate you and don't go out and lay down.

They know you're over dispatched, it's the "stops per car" flavor right now.

If they mention anything again, get a steward.


Well-Known Member
"I'm doing the best I can with what Ive been given, I'll try to do better" .....exact answer everytime....if ur qualified don't worry about it, never seen someone fired for performance...but as I've said before its best to stay under radar or they'll nit pick everything you do....maybe get to work 30 min early and go through your load if it's that bad...I try to do that anyways ..not for them and their numbers, but for myself to have a smoother day...

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I was brought into the office for going over 2 hours over , my center manager :-)censored:) said if i keep doing that I could lose my job. my loader sucks , I spend too much time looking for packages. He said it take 18 sec to find the pkg and close the bulkhead door. I do my job by the books! i dont cheat the company. i guess they want me to skip my lunch(well they can suck it cuz im not doing that). Do i have anything to worry about?
Tell your management team to either do a time study or a virtual time study. If they say they won't or can't then tell them that if they aren't willing to try and fix the real problem then they have no business approaching you about it.


Well-Known Member
"I'm doing the best I can with what Ive been given, I'll try to do better" .....exact answer everytime....if ur qualified don't worry about it, never seen someone fired for performance...but as I've said before its best to stay under radar or they'll nit pick everything you do....maybe get to work 30 min early and go through your load if it's that bad...I try to do that anyways ..not for them and their numbers, but for myself to have a smoother day...
Really? Then you should just punch out after last stop and drive in off the clock, that'll save you some more time.

Don't really do that. If you aren't wasting time, and doing what you should, don't worry about it.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
If they complain about only 2 hrs over. At 12 noon stop. Take your lunch and break. Now you will be 4-5 hrs over. Then if he says it to you again. You simply say "Fix my load or I will always take my lunch at noon ". You should be anyways. Lunch is your dispatch tool to use. So use it. Grow a pair! They will take advantage of you every time you let them