Anyone else see the message from Sean O'brien?


Well-Known Member
So, what's your answer?....take whatever scraps the Company offers and accept concessions because "you need to work"?

What you can't see, because it's past the tip of your nose, is that I was "in your shoes" in 1997.

The things being negotiated now are not economically related and will greatly effects your working conditions for decades.

I'm long in the tooth and past the point where they can take much from me, yet am poised to step up for your snot nosed, weak, snowflake generation.
So go pout on the far end of the picket line where we don't have to look at your pitiful mug, on whatever day you choose to show up for your "one day" and let the real men and women do your bidding.



Well-Known Member
The Heartland. If you are not too picky, you can find a small house for 40k. Two bedroom one bath and a small garage. Property taxes about $1500 a year. Number 4 best city in the country to live in according to the latest poll.
Sounds like the house I live in. But taxes are about 4 times that. LOL!
I think I'm getting screwed over! After experiencing earthquakes, tornadoes don't scare me none!


Never bought my own handtruck
....and who is Al?


He was tough skinny point guard with balls of steel.

Frankie's Friend

....and who is Al?
Just because you can't spell don't judge me by your standards.

The issue is Artificial Intelligence whether it is capitalizing or not.

Look it up and understand where Johnny 123456789 was going.