


I came in to UPS as a full time driver. If I knew then what I know now, I would have REALLY considered doing the PT thing and working the AM shift. Dont get me wrong, I do like my job and the income that comes with it. Id be the #1 person on the PT seniority list and would have the time to turn some of my hobbies into income. Tooner is correct, the AM shift (IMO) is the only way to go. A friend at work has been PT for 16 years and has no desire what so ever to go FT. He operates a wholesale car business during the day and has whatever time he needs for the family. The PT job provides the insurance and stability for the slow times (car sales). Hes happy as a clam.


It's all perspective Mojo. I have a terrible route- traffic, pieces, stop count- BUT I live on my area and the truck is a beauty and for me it equals the good life. If seeing your kids equals the good life go for it!


Just wondering if everyone got a letter in the mail this week from UPS concerning the pension situation or if it was just our district. We also have a video on tap for next week from our Ceo. Looks like the battle for the hearts and minds of us UPS'ers is about to begin. Boy is this gonna be fun.


So, has anyone heard how many jobs were lost accross the entire country? I hear we are losing about 80 in our district. Some people effected have 15-20yrs.


Here, when we reach the golden 80 UPS pays our insurance no matter what age and $50 per spouse and per child if any.


Here, our retirement eligibility is based on what is called the golden 80, when your years of service plus your age = 80, then you can retire and start drawing immediately.


local 492, New Mexico, western conference

Are we the only ones who have the golden 80?


Got mine Wednesday. Pretty much the same as Hoffas "Don't blame me" note. I guess you really can't blame UPS. I just wonder how some funds are doing so well and ours is in the dumper. I saw an article in the paper a few days ago concerning how congress is going to handle the pension problems nationwide. It didn't mention teamsters specifically and was rather vague on facts (imagine that in an election year) but it sort of made me beleive it was going to be every man for himself because congress can't afford to bail us out. The only statement that seemed solid was the fact that by law no benefits already earned can be cut. I just wonder what happens when the money runs out.

The guy that runs the government pension insurance agency just resigned last week. I think he decided to git while the gittin was good! Don't look to good for those of us hoping to go 30 and out in the next few years. We support the golden years of "The Greatest Generation" all our lives with record decuctions from our paychecks and get screwed in the end. P.T. Barnum was right. Theres a sucker born every minute. We've all been conned.


There is no battle on CS, it is the union having to admit they SCREWED the members...AGAIN. UPS has made agreed upon payments. UPS is looking to change the law in the future that will protect the working members and not force payments for non-working members . I don't see a battle, but the teamsters NEED MONEY and they don't particularly care where it comes from or HOW IT COMES, just keep filling those holes so they do it AGAIN.


Golden 80? That's news to me also, and at age 50 with 30 years and still 2 kids that interests me considerably.

Is this in your contractual supplement or what?

Do you have any contact numbers or addresses on this?


It is simplistic and false to continue to throw all the blame on the union for this pension fiasco.

The controlling board of trustees for the Central States Pension fund consists of 6 teamsters and 6 company representatives.

Do you think the company representatives are guiltless?


UPS has one of those company representatives and so is, was and will be fully informed and aware of all that has, is and will happen to the fund and our benefits.

UPS has been fully cognizant of all facets of what has, is and will happen with our fund and consequently on how it affects all of their employees involved.

They are no more innocent, and if you believe they are smarter and more efficient than the teamsters organization in general as I do, they are more guilty of allowing this predicament to occur than the teamsters or other companies involved.

As they are not in the financial shape that the fund is in they are in a perfect position to uphold the medical benefits and hold the line on the premiums for them regarding UPS members.

That they haven't come out notifying (trumpeting) that they will do this, but are mumbling about having to stay with the "equal" word in the contract (now they decide not to violate the contract) says volumes.

The fact that the letter never broached this subject is disappointing if not suprising.

UPS has never had a better situation where they could show they truly are "looking out" for their employees rather than just throw out rhetoric and talk than in this one.

Time will tell.


Never heard of the golden 80. I thought our 25 and out at any age was awesome.


Golden 80 would truly be a welcome to me....i would now be in the ranks of "RETIRED"


I find it absolutely amazing that you can pin ANY blame on the company. For years they have been offering to take over the pension and keep it safe. For years the Teamsters have brought up everything from FT jobs to Sub Contracting to blind the members while they quietly allowed the fund to drain. Do you really think the strike was about FT jobs? It was about the pension. You all had a chance to do something about it then but you chose to listen to (or be brain washed by) the union.
It's not too late for you to do something about it now. Get active in your union, keep them accountable, get control of your own pension and don't allow it to be split with non-UPS retirees.
This is really such a simple thing. Had we allowed UPS to take over the pension in the 90's we wouldn't be in this situation now


Perhaps that one (UPS) member of the board did know the state of the pension fund. UPS wanted to take over the plan in the previous contract. Was that knowledge, perhaps, the reason?

Also, how responsible can you hold one member of the board with a probable 6 and potential 11 votes against him?